Pioneer Childcare - Burgess Hill

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About Pioneer Childcare - Burgess Hill

Name Pioneer Childcare - Burgess Hill
Address Burgess Hill Rugby Club, Poveys Close, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9TA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestSussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time at the exciting out-of-school provision. They are safely collected from school and walk back to the setting. On arrival, children sit together with their friends and look at books while they wait for everyone to get settled.

Children recall the rules within the club, which helps keep them safe. For example, they explain how they must not go outside the cones on the field. Staff are clear about what they expect from children, which leads to children behaving exceptionally well throughout the session.

They follow the routine and know what is going to happen next. Children enjoy a wide of themed activities. Some children choose to participate in a creative activity, using paint and flour to make moons.

Staff clearly explain the activities to children, talking to them about the process they are going to follow. Other children spend time in the outside area. Staff enthusiastically lead group games that are active and fun.

Children clearly feel happy and safe in the care of the staff team. They are confident with visitors and keen to share their views of the club. Children explain that when at the club, they like to make things and play snooker.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team is competent and knowledgeable. They place a strong focus on supporting staff through regular supervision. Managers have developed a system that clearly depicts staff's job roles and details how they can further their career.

This helps staff to know what is expected of them and gives them opportunities to progress. Staff report high levels of support for their well-being.Children of all ages play together cooperatively.

For instance, they sit together and play board games. Children include each other and are welcoming to their friends, inviting them to join their games. They benefit from the social experiences of interacting with children in differing age groups.

Staff know the children that they care for well. They identify when children may need additional support and make adaptations to ensure that all children are included. There is a designated member of staff who supports the youngest children, helping them feel settled and fully included.

The managers are committed to the continuous improvement of the provision. They have identified that they would like to further enhance their already good provision of sports activities. Managers promote the professional development of their staff team.

They give them opportunities to complete training to enhance their practice and skills.Staff work well with parents. They ensure that each parent is spoken to at collection.

Before children join the setting, staff send home 'all about me forms' to find out as much information as possible about the children. Parents praise the staff. They state that they know that their children are safe and enjoy attending the setting.

Staff are excellent role models and praise children regularly. They consistently reinforce the rules and boundaries within the club. Staff use highly effective methods to promote the core values of the setting.

For example, they have created 'pioneer character' stickers, which they award when children demonstrate one of the values, such as being responsible or being a good sport. Children are visibly proud of themselves when they receive the reward, and this motivates them to try hard.Staff provide children with a healthy meal at teatime.

For instance, children select from an assortment of filled rolls and fruit. Children have constant access to fresh drinking water. They independently wash their hands prior to eating.

Children have plenty of opportunities to exercise in the fresh air.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a very secure understanding of their roles and responsibilities to safeguard children.

They confidently identify signs that may indicate a child is at risk of harm, including harm from radicalisation and county lines. Staff are aware of the procedures to follow to raise a concern about a child. They regularly refresh their training to keep their knowledge up to date.

The manager prioritises safeguarding, ensuring that this is discussed during staff meetings and supervisions. Staff have robust procedures in place to ensure the safety of children. For example, they are extremely vigilant at monitoring who is collecting children.

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