Planet Kids CIC - Orchard

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About Planet Kids CIC - Orchard

Name Planet Kids CIC - Orchard
Address Methodist Church, North Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO45 4PG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children clearly enjoy themselves at the Orchard club.

As they arrive after school, there is an air of happy chatter as children and staff settle in for the afternoon. Children are confident communicators with staff and the other children. They play cooperatively with children of all ages.

Staff are positive role models for children, who behave well. Children benefit from a caring and sensitive staff team. They enjoy sociable snack times and a good range of engaging activities.

Children have a say in what activities they would like to do at the club. They eagerly suggest cooking and craft projects to explore in th...e coming weeks. Staff listen attentively to what children say and respond with enthusiasm to children's input.

All children are highly valued at the club. Children have the opportunity to relax and unwind after their school day in the comfort and safety of the club. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, changes have been made to the club routines.

Parents no longer enter the building. However, staff are effective communicators and parents comment very positively on the feedback they receive from staff.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff provide opportunities to complement what children learn at school.

For instance, children identify peg letters and try to spell out their names. Staff offer warm praise and encouragement as children keep on trying. Staff support children to count the elastic bands they add to a nail frame effectively.

Children confidently sort out the big and small bands, practising their mathematical skills. Children laugh with delight as staff make musical sounds with the elastic bands. Staff support children's self-confidence effectively.

Staff help children to recognise similarities and differences, such as through exploring different festivals and cultural celebrations. This helps children develop an understanding of the diversity of the wider world.Staff help children to celebrate their achievements at school with their friends at the club.

Children enjoy their moment to shine and take pride in telling staff and the other children what they have done to deserve the awards. Staff support children's sense of self-esteem effectively.Children benefit from an established key-person system to ensure their individual needs are met.

This helps children to settle in quickly to the club. However, occasionally, staff do not inform parents about their children's key person in a timely manner. Parents, who have children that are new to the club, do not know who their children's key person is.

Staff, parents, and children all contribute to evaluating the club. Their views, and those of the managers, help to identify ways to improve the club for children. Children have the opportunity to run and play energetically at the local park on the way to the club.

Staff are reflective and identify their outdoor space needs further development to make it more attractive for children to enjoy.Children are curious about the inspector. They ask her name and why she is there.

Children confidently tell the inspector about the club and what they enjoy doing there. They tell her about making their club rules and enjoying the variety of snacks they have to eat.The staff at the club have developed close links with the school, as well as the parents of the children who attend the club.

Some of the staff team work at the school during the day. This provides children with a familiar face when they attend the club. There is a highly effective three-way communication system between the school, the club and the parents.

The staff team is experienced and well established. They work together effectively to make the club an enjoyable experience for children after their school day.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The manager uses safer recruitment procedures to ensure staff are suitable to work with children. Ongoing checks on staff and regular supervision are part of a robust approach to keeping children safe. Staff are aware of their responsibility to promote children's well-being at all times.

They know what actions to take if they have any concerns about children's welfare. Staff understand the procedures to follow if they have concerns about other members of staff. The manager ensures all staff have regular opportunities to attend training to keep their knowledge up to date.

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