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About Play2Learn

Name Play2Learn
Ofsted Inspections
Address Berkeley Avenue, Cranford, Middlesex, TW4 6LB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hounslow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good • Staff offer an inclusive learning environment where children feel safe and secure. Children self-register when they arrive at the nursery.

They develop a good sense of community and their behaviour is generally good. • Staff provide enjoyable activities for children to choose from. Overall, children make good progress in relation to what they knew before they started at the setting.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, or who speak English as an additional language, learn equally well. • Children develop a good knowledge of their own identity and that of other people and their communities. For example, they taste food from... different countries and take part in different cultural celebrations.

• Partnership with parents is good. Managers and staff keep parents well informed about their children's progress and involve them in the planning of their children's learning. • Managers observe staff and give them clear guidance to develop their teaching.

They provide good opportunities for staff to undertake training and obtain further qualifications. • Staff do not consistently offer many experiences to extend and build on children's understanding and skills in using everyday technology. • Managers do not fully check the progress of different groups of children to help identify less obvious gaps in their learning and use the resulting information to tailor teaching if needed.

Also at this postcode
OHM Coaching- Cranford Primary School Cranford Primary School

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