Playpals Out of School Club

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About Playpals Out of School Club

Name Playpals Out of School Club
Address Ruckleigh School, Lode Lane, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 2AB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Solihull
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy their time at the club and are happy, and confident. They transition into the club with ease.

Children understand the routine and follow instructions well. Staff encourage children to be independent. For example, children know where to put their coats and belongings on arrival, and the importance of handwashing before snacks.

Children are exceptionally well settled and benefit from extremely secure relationships with staff. They thoroughly enjoy spending time with friends from different classes and have strong bonds with each other.Children have access to a wide range of activities and resources to choose and use in their play.

They enjoy colouring activities with their friends, building with construction, using puzzles and being outdoors.Staff ensure that the club has a relaxed atmosphere for children. Children engage in friendly conversations with staff about their favourite parts of the school day and staff listen intently to them.

Staff skilfully encourage children to learn about other cultures and beliefs, so that children can understand more about the wider world. For example, children talk to staff about their understanding of the Easter story. They inform staff that Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at Easter.

These discussions help children to develop their understanding of different celebrations.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leadership and management of the club is strong. The provider endeavours to provide an inclusive after-school provision for children within the school community.

She leads staff well to enhance their skills and development to work with children effectively. Staff collaborate with children to ensure that they make decisions about their activities, allowing them to have a relaxed and fun time after school.Leaders recognise the importance of supporting children and staff with mental health and well-being.

Staff are encouraged to maintain a healthy work-life balance and are highly supported by leaders. The provider is reflective of her practice and continuously strives to improve the club.Staff know and understand the children and their needs well.

They are kind and caring towards the children and role model positive behaviour toward each other. Children are self-assured and their behaviour is impeccable. They are all friends with each other.

Children confidently share with visitors their thoughts about the friendly staff. They have a special love for the club and leave with art and craft creations.Children are safe, comfortable and flourish during their time at the club.

Children learn the importance of good health and hygiene through everyday routines. They attend to their own toileting needs, wash their hands and dress in coats without support. Children enjoy a variety of nutritious snacks that are freshly prepared and meet their individual dietary needs.

Children self-serve independently, choosing their snacks and pouring their own drinks.Staff support children's physical development effectively. Children have regular access to outdoors in all weathers and seasons for fresh air and exercise.

For example, leaders report that during winter seasons, children play outdoors on the tennis courts, where they race in between the floodlights to make shadows. This is a game which is enjoyed by children and staff.Parent partnerships are effective.

Parents report that staff have created a family friendly club, where their children can develop confidence and feel safe. Parents state that club staff are amazing and enthuse about the care, and attention children receive. They comment on the club's effective communication systems with the online app.

However, staff do not consistently share some information about snacks with parents, so they are fully informed about what their children are eating at the club.Staff have established strong links with the school. They liaise regularly with school staff to ensure that the club operates effectively.

Leaders and staff are passionate about their roles at the club. The provider places a high priority on continued professional development. She provides regular training and discussions to ensure staff continually improve.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders and staff know how to protect the welfare of children. They understand the signs and symptoms of abuse and follow the correct procedures in the event of a concern.

Robust recruitment systems are in place to ensure that staff conduct and suitability are effective. Staff are aware of radicalisation, extremist views, female genital mutilation, and other safeguarding concerns. Risk assessments and checks are regularly carried out to ensure that the premises are free from hazards.

Staff supervise children well, through effective deployment. The manager ensures that staff training is up to date. Recent first-aid training has helped staff to update and extend their knowledge even further for managing accidents.

Also at this postcode
Ruckleigh School

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