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About Playtime

Name Playtime
Ofsted Inspections
Address Mayfield School, Warwick Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 3HN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

The provision is good • The owner, setting manager and staff have worked well together and have used their skills to implement sustainable improvements. This has played a key role in significantly developing the provision since the last inspection.

• The owner supports staff in understanding the spirit of out-of-school care. Children have time to relax and talk with their friends. Staff balance this well with opportunities for children to participate in interesting activities that aid their formal learning.

• Staff build good relationships with parents and understand each child's needs. Parents report that they appreciate the positive environment created by staff and the... wide range of activities they offer children. • Staff make good use of the knowledge they gain from training.

For example, they are now more aware of children's interests and offer children activities and resources that enable them to explore and build on these. • Children respond to the caring, positive staff. They feel valued as staff show a genuine interest in them and pay close attention to their contributions.

This helps to create a constructive atmosphere where children develop confident attitudes that support their ability to learn. It is not yet outstanding because: • Staff do not consistently provide a wide range of activities and resources outside for children to independently extend their interests and build on their learning even further. • Staff do not consistently make the best use of opportunities to support children in developing their understanding of healthy lifestyle choices and practices.

Also at this postcode
Under Fives Roundabout Cambridge Kids Club @ Mayfield Mayfield Primary School

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