Plus Fives Afterschool & Holiday Club

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About Plus Fives Afterschool & Holiday Club

Name Plus Fives Afterschool & Holiday Club
Address Ingleby Mill Primary School, Windmill Way, Ingleby Barwick, Stockton-On-Tees, Yorkshire, TS17 0LW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Stockton-on-Tees
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff provide a relaxing, fun environment for children in the club.

They prepare activities which reflect children's interests. Children happily attend the club after finishing school and benefit from consistent routines. For example, young children are collected from their class by the same member of staff and older children know to walk straight to the club from inside school.

This has a positive impact on children's emotional well-being and they are all settled and calm. Children's behaviour is very positive and they understand staff's expectations. Older children show kindness to younger children and staff consistently... model good manners.

Children are keen to join in with activities which staff prepare. They enjoy building dens with foam squares and work together to make it bigger. Other children take part in exciting physical activities, which promote teamwork and good sportsmanship.

Children have good communication skills and chatter to their friends as they play. They show confidence in asking staff for help when they need it, and regularly seek them to join in their games. Since the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, parents do not come inside the club to collect children.

This is consistent with the expectations of the on-site school and helps children and families to understand the procedures for safety.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children's opinions are valued in the club. Staff encourage them to talk about the things they would like to do and make choices about the activities on offer.

They gather detailed information from parents when children begin to attend and regularly check in with younger children. Children form good relationships with staff and show that they feel happy and safe here.Children thoroughly enjoy the activities on offer in the club.

For example, staff prepare a popular physical activity in the gym hall with hoops and music. Children are enthusiastic to participate and quickly organise themselves into teams. Staff offer children support and ideas to help them decide which way is fair and equal.

This helps children to show respect and consideration for each other. Children cheer their team mates on and clap for the winners. They demonstrate resilience and are keen to try again to succeed next time.

Overall, staff encourage children to be healthy, independent and confident. For instance, children are reminded to drink plenty of water. Children have opportunities for outdoor play and physical activity.

They have an exceptional awareness of good hygiene. For example, children automatically wash and sanitise their hands regularly. Children are offered a light tea consisting of healthy food options, such as fruit and fresh sandwiches.

However, staff spend a long time preparing this and opportunities to further extend children's independence and awareness of healthy choices are missed.Staff have worked in the club for a long time and report they feel happy here. The manager is supportive and ensures that staff have access to professional development opportunities to develop their skills.

For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, staff used online training to reflect on the benefit of physical play and music for children. In addition, the manager holds regular team meetings and one-to-one appointments with staff to share good practice and updates. This helps staff to make continual improvements in the club.

The manager and staff team maintain effective partnerships with teachers in school and children's families. Despite the pandemic, parents say that the communication is equally as good and staff make time to talk to them outside if necessary. Feedback is very positive.

For example, the headteacher is happy with the continuity provided for children and consistency in their approaches. Parents say they would highly recommend the club to other families and children thoroughly enjoy their time here.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff understand their responsibilities to keep children safe from harm. The manager provides opportunities for them to update and refresh their knowledge of new child protection procedures and broader safeguarding issues, such as radicalisation. The manager works closely in partnership with the headteacher in school to promote effective information sharing and consistency.

Staff regularly talk to children about keeping themselves safe. For example, children understand why their mobile phones are not permitted in the club and that they cannot use the internet unsupervised. Staff know which children they expect in the club and act swiftly to check where older children are if they do not arrive promptly from their class.

Also at this postcode
Ingleby Mill Primary School

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