Premier Ashwell Wrap Around Care

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About Premier Ashwell Wrap Around Care

Name Premier Ashwell Wrap Around Care
Address Ashwell Primary School, Silver Street, Ashwell, Baldock, SG7 5QL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are collected from their classrooms by familiar staff. They place their belongings in the designated area before keenly exploring the activities on offer. Children happily play with their friends.

They giggle together as they play a game on the indoor football table. Children enjoy exploring the books that are provided. They discuss the pictures on the pages with their friends and share their ideas.

Other children make their own books from paper. Staff support them to record their ideas and praise their efforts. Children creatively discover how to make envelopes out of paper to put their artwork inside.

T...hey learn how to fold paper to make secret messages and images when it is folded back again. Children benefit from the support they receive from the staff. They readily continue the work that they have started at school.

For example, children recreate a diagram of the body. They discuss the organs within the human body and where they are situated. Children demonstrate they feel safe and secure in the setting.

They develop strong, trusting relationships with staff. Children are allocated a key person, who is responsible for their care and well-being. They independently make their sandwiches for snack time.

Children chat freely with their friends and share stories of their day.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider and manager have worked hard since their last inspection to address the actions raised. Staff have attended further training on the setting's policies and procedures.

This has ensured that they have a better understanding of their roles and responsibilities. Staff supervision meetings have been put in place to support staff's ongoing professional development.Staff carry out daily risk assessments on the areas that are used by the children, such as the hall and outside areas.

This helps to ensure that any hazards to children are minimised and that children can enjoy playing safely.Staff know their children well and understand their likes and dislikes. This helps them with the planning of activities that support children's interests, such as art activities and physical games.

It also contributes to the calm and happy atmosphere within the setting. Staff support children's activities and games well. Children enjoy a competitive game of ping pong.

Staff are on hand to help support the children's understanding of the rules of the game and give them helpful tips to improve their skills.Staff respond well to the needs of the children. They know when to stand back and allow the children to lead their own play.

For example, they permit children to bring in their popular card games from home and allow the children to take time to look through each other's cards. This helps children to build confidence in games and making friendships.Children share their positive views of the setting with visitors.

They enjoy their time there and particularly like meeting their friends and decorating their biscuits. Parents report that their children are happy to attend and are often disappointed when it is time to go home, and this means their children are happy and settled.Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour.

They are good role models and share consistent messages about what they expect of children. Staff encourage children to consider the needs of others. For example, adapting the length of some games to allow other children to take part.

As a result, the children are patient and considerate towards others and this adds to the children's enjoyment of the session.Staff promote children's healthy lifestyles well. They provide timely reminders for children to wash their hands before sitting down to eat.

Staff provide a variety of fresh fruit at snack time. Children learn to be independent as they pour their own drinks and select their food. They thoroughly enjoy this social time and discuss what they have being doing at school.

Staff have a good relationship with the host school and information is shared effectively. This helps to support children's emotional well-being and continuity in their care.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff understand their roles and responsibilities to protect children from harm. They know the signs and indicators that may mean a child is at risk of harm or abuse. Staff know what procedures to follow if they have concerns about the welfare of a child.

There are effective systems in place to help ensure that children are safely collected from their classrooms. The provider has effective recruitment procedures to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. There are methods in place to check staff's ongoing suitability.

Also at this postcode
Ashwell Primary School

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