Premier Wraparound Care Milton Road Primary School

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About Premier Wraparound Care Milton Road Primary School

Name Premier Wraparound Care Milton Road Primary School
Address Milton Road Primary School, Ascham Road, Cambridge, CB4 2BD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are extremely settled and enjoy the time they spend in this exciting environment.

Staff have in-depth knowledge of all children, and carefully plan games and activities to meet a wide variety of interests. For example, children can choose to explore sports equipment and climbing apparatus or complete a variety of craft activities. Children play an active role in the planning of their day.

They provide regular feedback, which staff use to create an exciting environment for children to explore. This ensures children remain thoroughly engaged throughout their time at the club.Children behave well and are polite and c...onsiderate towards one another.

Staff are good role models. They consistently demonstrate good manners and are respectful towards children and adults. The setting adopts the behaviour management strategies of the host school.

This provides a consistent approach to supporting children's understanding of appropriate behaviour.Children take on age-appropriate responsibilities. This supports their growing independence and enables them to identify ways to keep themselves safe.

For example, older children count out chairs and set the tables for lunch. They understand how these important mealtime routines support their safety.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff work hard to build strong relationships with the host school.

They communicate well with teaching staff to gather information about children's time at school. This enables them to offer additional support to children where necessary. Staff plan activities that extend children's learning.

For example, young children make masks and learn facts about the animals they have explored in their jungle topic at school.Staff encourage children to try out new and challenging activities. They praise children's efforts and offer advice and support.

The setting has daily award ceremonies to recognise achievements, efforts, and good conduct. This supports children's confidence and helps them to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments.Management and staff reflect well on the care they provide.

They seek regular feedback from children and parents and use this information to inform their planning. The provider seeks ongoing advice from other professionals to ensure the activities and care provided meet the needs of all children. For example, the provider works closely with an early years specialist to plan activities that are suitable for the youngest children who attend.

Children develop a good understanding of healthy lifestyles. Staff promote healthy eating by sharing their knowledge with families. Children engage in numerous physical activities.

They learn about the positive effects exercise has on their bodies and well-being. For example, children learn about various muscles and breathing techniques during yoga sessions.Relationships between staff and parents are of a high standard.

Parents remain informed about children's time in the setting with daily verbal and online updates. Staff send out regular newsletters to make parents aware of upcoming events. Parents and children are encouraged to give regular feedback that is used to inform future planning.

Staff demonstrate a deep understanding of their responsibility to keep children safe. All staff complete regular paediatric first-aid training and know the correct procedure to follow if a child has an accident. They are aware of individual children's allergies and medical needs and confidently explain the process to follow when administering medication safely.

The provider has robust recruitment and induction procedures in place. This helps to ensure all staff are suitably qualified and appropriate to work with children. The provider and managers monitor staff performance closely through regular appraisals and supervision meetings.

Areas for development are swiftly identified and effective training and coaching opportunities put in place. This supports staff to continuously enhance the quality of their practice.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The provider and staff demonstrate good safeguarding knowledge. They are aware of the signs and symptoms which could indicate that a child is at risk from abuse. They confidently discuss the correct process to follow when reporting concerns.

The provider ensures all staff complete regular safeguarding training in line with local authority guidelines. Staff supervise children well throughout their time at the setting. They are highly vigilant and use a radio system to keep in contact with one another at all times.

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