Premier Wraparound Care at Colville Primary School

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About Premier Wraparound Care at Colville Primary School

Name Premier Wraparound Care at Colville Primary School
Address Colville Primary School, Colville Road, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB1 9EJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children remain highly engaged throughout their time at this exciting after-school and holiday club. They have access to a variety of stimulating, age-appropriate resources, both indoors and in the extensive outdoor area. Staff carefully plan activities to meet the needs and interests of all children.

For example, children can relax and explore a variety of books in the cosy reading area. They help themselves to games and puzzles and enjoy completing quizzes and craft projects. Those with more energy, explore a wealth of sports activities, both indoors and in the large playground.

Children play an active role in organising... activities and resources. They write their suggestions in an ideas jar that the manager and staff use to inform their planning.Children are kind and demonstrate deep empathy for one another.

They help their younger friends in tasks and support those who are new to the setting, showing them around and encouraging them to join in activities. Children work well as a team. For example, they organise equipment and ingredients during a baking activity, sharing out tasks and ensuring everyone has their turn.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Partnerships with the host school are strong and highly effective. The club mirrors the behaviour management strategies the school adopts. For example, children earn coloured coins as part of the school's house reward system.

This provides a consistent approach to supporting children's understanding of how to behave appropriately.Children develop a strong understanding of healthy lifestyles. They have continuous access to physical play opportunities, where staff encourage them to explore the positive effects exercise has on their bodies.

Children learn about healthy eating by growing their own fruit and vegetables in the playground. Children attending the after-school club develop a deeper understanding of healthy eating. They regularly prepare their own nutritious meals and snacks, such as pizzas and fruit kebabs.

Staff demonstrate deep knowledge of the children in their care. They are swift to identify when children are tired or unsettled and offer appropriate additional support. For example, staff set up a cosy relaxation area for children who appear to be quieter than usual.

They sit and chat with them until they feel ready to join in planned activities.Parents are highly complimentary about staff and the care they provide. They comment on the exciting activities staff offer and how children look forward to attending.

Parents value the flexible care the provider offers and the regular, high-quality communication they receive about children's time in the setting.Staff take every opportunity to support children's learning in fun and age-appropriate ways. For example, young children identify shapes and numbers in a group sports session.

Older children are encouraged to explore more complex mathematical concepts such as times tables in the same activity.Children's artwork is displayed throughout the setting, encouraging them to develop a sense of pride in their achievements. Children attending the holiday club participate in daily reward ceremonies.

They receive trophies and medals to recognise their efforts in activities as well as their good conduct.The manager regularly evaluates all aspects of her practice. She seeks feedback from parents, children, and the host school, using this information to adapt the care she provides.

For example, following recent feedback, the manager has decided to provide care before school as well as after. This ensures the club continues to meet the changing needs of children and their families.Children's safety is paramount.

Staff monitor attendance well and have robust procedures to ensure those collecting children are known to them. They supervise children using a walkie-talkie system to communicate with one another. This ensures children are within their sight at all times.

Staff receive regular appraisals to identify areas for development. The provider and manager enhance staff practice by conducting ongoing coaching and mentoring sessions. Staff well-being is a high priority.

The provider organises group sessions and social gatherings to support staff confidence and motivation.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are knowledgeable about their responsibility to keep children safe.

They demonstrate a strong understanding of the signs and symptoms which could indicate that a child is at risk from harm. The provider and staff all know the correct procedure to follow when reporting any concerns to the correct authority. All staff complete regular safeguarding and paediatric first-aid training.

Staff conduct regular risk assessments of the environment. They work closely with the school to ensure all areas remain safe for children. The provider has robust knowledge of safer recruitment procedures and ensures the ongoing suitability of all staff.

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