Premier Wraparound Care at Woodbury School

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About Premier Wraparound Care at Woodbury School

Name Premier Wraparound Care at Woodbury School
Address Woodbury C Of E Primary School, Castle Lane, Woodbury, Exeter, EX5 1EA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Devon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children excitedly arrive at this after-school club. They independently sign themselves in and settle quickly, eagerly anticipating the activities available.

Leaders plan enriching and varied opportunities for all children to access and enjoy, with a keen focus on their physical health. Older children immerse themselves in their weekly Taekwondo session, while the younger ones enjoy mixing colours and painting sponges to make rainbows. Children proudly share their finished creations when they are collected by their parents at the end of the session.

Children enjoy spending time outside and staff engage effectively with the...m, forming secure attachments. Staff join in with team games of football and children follow instructions well. Staff help children to be aware of their own safety.

For example, children are reminded to walk and wait for everyone before they go back inside.Children's behaviour is excellent, and they consistently use impeccable manners. Older children support the younger ones when playing games, gently explaining the rules to them.

Children demonstrate their independence and willingly help staff during the session. They hang up their coats and bags on the rack provided and help staff set out tables and chairs in preparation for snack time.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff have high expectations of all children and are positive role models.

They show respect as they speak and listen to children and each other. Staff value the children's views, supporting them to plan activities and experiences, keeping children engaged and involved.Children confidently talk about their experiences at the club and what they enjoy most.

For example, older children excitedly say, 'Yes it's multi sports, that's my favourite', while the younger ones relay how craft is their favourite thing to do.Children enjoy a range of healthy foods during their time at the club. Staff promote healthy choices and encourage good hygiene practices, such as washing hands when coming in from outside.

Children happily choose a piece of fruit when arriving at the club and later enjoy a healthy snack with their friends.Children develop their knowledge about the wider community when taking part in summer fetes, the 'Christmas light switch on' and participating in the 'dance show down'. They learn a choreographed dance and perform this to their family and friends at the end of term.

Leaders show a strong focus on the well-being of children and staff. Quiet areas are provided for children to sit and read after a busy day at school. Children take their shoes off and relax with their friends in the calm environment.

Staff enjoy 'well-being Wednesdays' and employee of the month.Leaders provide staff with a wide range of training to continuously deepen their knowledge. Staff have recently attended training in mental health.

As a result, children's mental health and well-being are well supported.Self-evaluation is used well to identify areas for improvement. Leaders value the comments from the staff team, parents, and children.

Feedback from parent questionnaires has enabled leaders to provide parents with an overview of activities on offer, so parents are aware of what their children engage in each day.Parents speak very highly of the club and the staff. They comment that their children enjoy the varied activities and have fun.

Parents report that communication is consistent, and the flexibility of sessions suits their needs.The after-school club is well organised. Staff share the responsibilities to ensure that the session runs smoothly.

They explain to children what is happening, ensuring that children are aware of what to expect. Staff use a walkie-talkie system to keep communication consistent between them when inside and outdoors.Relationships between staff in the after-school club and the host school are good.

This ensures that lines of communication are clear and that they work together to meet the needs of children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Woodbury Church of England Primary School

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