Puffins Nursery School

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About Puffins Nursery School

Name Puffins Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Address 60 Hugon Road, Fulham, London, SW6 3EN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority HammersmithandFulham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive in this vibrant, stimulating, language-rich environment. They demonstrate that they feel exceptionally safe, secure and settled.

All children are very confident and keen learners. They separate easily from parents and carers. Children are warmly welcomed by staff and quickly become engrossed in the activities of the day.

Staff have high expectations for all children. They have an exceptional understanding of children's needs, based on first-hand observations and excellent relationships with parents. Children have access to a wide range of activities that captivate their interests, such as a space... station, where they immerse themselves into imaginary role play.

In addition, they show the skills they have learned from computing activities. As a result, all children make rapid progress in all areas of their learning and development.Staff place a strong focus on helping children to develop high levels of independence and excellent social skills.

For example, older children empty the recycling bin as soon as they notice that it is full. Children show a great sensitivity to environmental issues. They talk about the planet they live on and how they need to take care of it for their own future.

Children confidently discuss the need to waste less and reduce the use of plastic to protect sea life. They show respect, take turns, listen to each other attentively and use their manners without being prompted by staff.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager is inspirational.

Moreover, the manager and her team are extremely dedicated. They provide high-quality care and education and ensure that children are at the heart of their provision.During the COVID-19 restrictions, staff and managers kept in regular contact with all families.

They provided ideas for home learning and supported children and parents exceptionally well through this difficult time. On return to nursery life, staff based their planning on helping children to settle and feel confident to leave their parents.Children develop exceptional communication and language skills.

They interact with each other and the staff remarkably well. Staff model language and encourage children to take an active part in activities, such as the 'reading club'. Children sit captivated and talk confidently about what happens next in the story, as they respond to the questions from staff.

Children develop new and complex vocabulary rapidly. They know that another word for confused is 'baffled', and another word for preparing food is 'concocting'.Staff tailor their teaching and resources to extend children's knowledge of their favourite topics.

For example, staff use small replicas of planets to develop children's understanding of the solar system. They broaden children's language and understanding, referring to new notions, such as 'gravity' and 'orbit'.Children have abundant opportunities to develop their mathematical skills.

For instance, staff encourage them to consider which planets are the nearest and furthest from the sun. In addition, children investigate in the garden with magnifying glasses and comment that things get 'bigger' and 'smaller'.Staff speak of their key children fondly and know them very well.

They use their precise assessments to structure learning experiences so that children, including those with special educational needs, make the best possible progress.Parents are extremely positive in their feedback, particularly in their praise for the advice and support they constantly receive. They also comment that they are exceptionally well informed about their children's learning and that the experiences their children receive are 'amazing'.

Staff help children learn about the world around them in a variety of ways. Together, they celebrate traditional festivals and learn about different cultures and communities from the books staff read to them.Throughout the nursery, children are extremely kind and caring to others.

They demonstrate exceptional social skills, manners and behaviours, and recognise right from wrong.Staff successfully foster children's understanding of healthy lifestyles. Children wash their hands regularly without being prompted and understand the importance of good oral hygiene.

This is evident through discussions with children. They know what foods are good for them to help them grow strong and that their teeth will not be healthy if they eat too much chocolate.Children regularly play outdoors and demonstrate strong physical skills and coordination, as they negotiate space moving around obstacles.

In addition, they frequently visit the local playground. They enjoy sports and extra-curricular exercise sessions, such as yoga.Children learn about nature and develop high levels of curiosity and concentration in the nursery garden.

They explore herbs using their senses, plant bulbs and demonstrate a sound understanding of how the weather helps them to grow.The well-qualified staff receive consistent coaching and guidance through the manager's robust and ongoing supervision. Staff access relevant training, which has enabled children to benefit from high-quality learning experiences.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The safeguarding lead ensures that staff receive regular training to maintain knowledge pertinent to the needs of the children. This results in staff having a very good understanding of the signs that may indicate a child may be at risk of harm, including from radical and extreme views.

Staff are clear about what to do if they have a concern about the behaviour of another adult. They supervise children vigilantly and ensure a safe and secure environment is maintained through daily checks. All staff hold first-aid qualifications and know how to deal with emergency situations.

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