Purple House Breakfast, Afterschool and Holiday Clubz Beckenham Green

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About Purple House Breakfast, Afterschool and Holiday Clubz Beckenham Green

Name Purple House Breakfast, Afterschool and Holiday Clubz Beckenham Green
Address Harris Primary Acaademy Beckenham Green, St George’s Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 5JG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bromley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and settled at this friendly club.

Staff greet the children warmly and are interested to hear about their day. As a result, children are keen to interact with staff. Children know the routine of the club well.

They sort out their coats and bags independently before setting off to play. Children are excited to see staff and their friends. Children thoroughly enjoy spending time here and engage deeply within their chosen play.

Staff use children's interests to plan activities that excite and motivate them. Children enjoy independently accessing the craft materials for their creations, use their im...aginations when building with construction bricks, and enjoy reading and listening to stories. Children benefit from plenty of opportunities to be active.

They have large spaces to run, balance and play team games. This helps to promote their physical skills and their well-being. Children behave well.

The strong bond established with staff shapes children's behaviour. For example, older children automatically help younger children in the club. Children play cooperatively together and happily share and take turns during their play.

They respond positively to staff when they are given guidance. For example, children help to tidy up and show respect at the club.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff take the time to listen to and talk to children, getting to know them well as individuals.

Staff know what children like to do and where they like to play. Children relish in the company of the staff, as well as their peers, and staff give children time to sit and chat. Children's emotional well-being is very effectively supported, and children show they feel safe at the club.

Staff value the importance of children's friendships and social skills. Staff are attentive and enthusiastically involve themselves in children's play. They ask purposeful questions, which encourage children to think carefully when planning their next move, for example when playing ball games.

The staff team build good partnerships with other professionals, such as the children's teachers and the headteacher of the host school. They work closely with them to share information and ensure children's needs are supported. All staff know the children very well and have warm and secure relationships with them.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported. Staff liaise closely with other professionals and parents, to understand and support children's specific needs.Staff support children to be confident communicators.

They interact well with children, make good eye contact and get down to their level. Staff clearly emphasise key words within their interactions, particularly for the younger children who speak English as an additional language, to help them develop their understanding and language skills.Partnership with parents is good.

Parents speak highly of the staff and the club. Staff communicate with parents at the end of each day about what their children have enjoyed doing. Parents say that their children enjoy their time at the club.

They state that they appreciate how staff are so supportive. They are confident their children are safe and well cared for.Staff promote children's good health effectively.

They support good hygiene habits, such as washing hands before eating. Staff provide children with a variety of hot or cold snacks, that are nutritionally balanced. Snack time is a busy social occasion, where children and staff engage in meaningful conversations.

The leader has a clear vision for the club. The leader and staff regularly evaluate the provision to ensure that they provide the best possible experience for children. Staff feel supported and part of the team.

Staff training is effective and targeted to benefit children. Staff supervisions and team meetings ensure that staff welfare is well considered.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and staff have a good understanding of safeguarding procedures to keep children safe. They complete regular training to keep their knowledge up to date. Staff are confident in recording and reporting concerns.

They know the procedures to follow if they have concerns about another member of staff. They are also confident in recognising the signs to look out for linked to the 'Prevent' duty, including the risks of being drawn into radicalisation. Effective recruitment and supervision procedures ensure staff working with children are suitable to do so.

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