Purple Panda Nursery

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About Purple Panda Nursery

Name Purple Panda Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 53 Norbury Crescent, LONDON, SW16 4JS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Croydon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children at this nursery are happy and settled. They enjoy the activities on offer and participate fully in a range of experiences.

The long-standing staff team knows children well and develops strong bonds with them. Children make friends at nursery and they interact positively with their peers. They know the behaviour that is expected of them and their responsibility to help.

For example, children help to tidy up toys when they finish playing. They enjoy activities inspired by cultural events or seasonal changes. For example, at Lunar New Year, nursery children explore Chinese writing and try creating their own symbo...ls with paint.

The well-maintained nursery garden provides outdoor learning opportunities for all children in all weathers. Children enthusiastically fetch their coats and hats when it is time to go outside. In warmer weather, older children enjoy direct access through the open doors to the garden.

Children develop their physical skills and confidence as they ride bikes, scoot and climb in the well-laid-out outdoor space. Children are fully engrossed in the mud kitchen and sandpit where they develop their fine motor skills and social skills. Children have fun at nursery.

They develop the confidence and skills they need for their eventual move to school.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children enjoy a range of interesting activities throughout the day. Staff plan fun and engaging experiences that support children to achieve the next steps in their learning.

Staff are very skilled at providing spontaneous learning experiences. For example, in the garden, children are delighted as they dance under the 'snow' created by a member of staff shaking a frosty towel above them.Babies make strong attachments with their key person.

They have plenty of opportunities to develop their crawling and walking skills as they explore the environment. Babies receive praise and affection throughout the day from attentive staff, which helps develop their confidence.Children get plenty of opportunities to hear stories, rhymes and songs throughout the day.

There are planned 'circle-time' sessions where children sit together to hear a story and sing alongside their peers. At other times, children can relax in defined quiet and cosy reading areas where they can access a range of books. Staff regularly engage children in songs and conversation as they play.

This helps children to become confident communicators and develop a love of reading.Children are familiar with the daily routine and they respond to the cues from staff when it is time to tidy up or wash their hands before mealtimes. Children who have been attending the setting for a long time respond quickly to instruction.

However, on occasion, some children do not get the support they need from staff to move on to the next activity. This means other children are left waiting for their younger peers and they become restless.Food is freshly prepared on site by the nursery cook.

The leadership team has devised a nutritionally balanced menu that can easily accommodate children's allergies or dietary preferences. Children enjoy their meals and they eat well. In the nursery, at snack time, children serve themselves fruit and crackers.

However, some children walk around with food and drop it on the floor. This is a missed opportunity for children to sit together and enjoy safe, social snack times.Parents say they are very happy with the nursery.

They say their children 'have a great time' and staff are knowledgeable about a range of issues. For example, parents say staff are very supportive of families who speak English as an additional language and encourage them to speak their home language as much as possible.Staff say they enjoy working at the nursery and feel confident to speak to managers if they have any concerns.

Leaders ensure all staff have access to a comprehensive training programme with a combination of mandatory training, such as around child protection, and opportunities for self-directed learning. Staff satisfaction and a very stable team contribute to a positive learning environment for children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are aware of the setting's policies and procedures and know what they need to do if they have any concerns about the welfare of a child. They know who to contact if there are any allegations against them or any member of their household. Leaders and staff implement risk-assessment procedures effectively to identify and minimise hazards to children.

Leaders ensure vetting procedures for staff are robust and ensure ongoing staff suitability. New staff receive a thorough induction to ensure they understand their responsibilities and are familiar with the nursery's procedures.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: manage transitions more effectively to minimise disruption as children move from one activity to another norganise snack time to ensure children are not walking around while eating to promote their safety.

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