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St Andrew’s Lower School, Bantock Way, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 8UQ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are happy.
They leave their parents and carers with ease and settle quickly. Children engage in activities and experiences that interest them and cover all areas of learning. They have daily opportunities to develop their physical skills.
For example, children confidently use static equipment to climb and balance on. They explore water as they enjoy cleaning outside resources and use paintbrushes, which supports their fine motor skills ready for early handwriting. Children demonstrate their great imaginations.
For example, during an adult-led activity which involves making dough, they decide to extend... their play to make milkshakes. Children are very much supported by staff to do this and are actively encouraged to use a range of utensils and resources. Children spend long periods of time at self-chosen activities.
They are confident to share their ideas with staff and their peers. Children have fun at this setting. They behave well and develop firm friendships with children and staff.
Staff are consistent with the strategies they use to support children's understanding of appropriate behaviours. This helps children learn to self-regulate and, for some children, learn to work issues out for themselves. Children demonstrate a good understanding of the setting's routines.
For example, when the 'tidy up' theme music is played, they move quickly in a smooth and cooperative way.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff promote children's communication and language development well. For example, during stories, staff repeat words and model language as children show interest in what they hear.
This has a positive impact on children's speech and language development.Staff use effective techniques to broaden children's learning. They use open-ended questions that encourage children to think further.
For example, during activities, staff ask children what they think might happen next. Children have sufficient time to think and respond, and are encouraged to share their ideas. This has a positive impact on children's personal, social and emotional development.
However, on occasions, staff do not recognise when to adjust activities and experiences to present further challenge for the most-able children.Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities very well. They demonstrate a good knowledge and understanding of each child's individual needs and specific requirements.
Staff's ongoing relationships and collaborative working with other professionals are effective in meeting children's needs. As a result, the interaction, support and reasonable adjustments made improve children's daily care and education.Parents speak warmly of their relationships with the staff team.
They know their children's key person and say that their children are happy at the setting. Staff support parents, and during the COVID-19 restrictions they stayed in regular touch with families. This had a positive impact on the children's return to the setting.
However, staff do not always promote effective strategies to update and engage all parents in their children's learning, both in the setting and at home.Staff supervision and appraisals are effective and help staff to identify their own strengths and areas for improvement. Staff speak positively about the support they receive and how the ongoing training promotes their professional development.
This has a positive impact on staff. Additionally, as part of the new staff induction, the management team provides a 'buddy' system, linking experienced staff with new staff to help them settle in and develop their practice. This helps staff to feel valued.
Children are inquisitive. For example, during a small-group experimental activity, they show curiosity. To extend this further, staff provide the opportunity for children to enjoy the activity again, but individually.
The outcome is very positive. Children are highly engaged and excited to compare and estimate with their peers. This helps to promote their understanding of the world scientifically.
The staff meet children's care needs well. They respect children's need for privacy and balance this well with ensuring that their welfare is promoted. Staff support children to learn about oral health, for example during discussions about good teeth care.
During mealtimes, staff help children and support them to learn about appropriate manners and good health.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities to safeguard children.
They attend regular training that supports their understanding of the setting's policies and procedures. Staff are aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse and wider safeguarding issues. They are confident to report concerns and explain clearly how they will take concerns further if these were not followed up appropriately by the management team.
This helps to promote child safety. The management team implements robust recruitment procedures to ensure staff are suitable.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to provide more challenging opportunities for the most-able children nenhance opportunities for sharing ideas and information with parents to further support their children's learning.