Re:play @ Maple

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About Re:play @ Maple

Name Re:play @ Maple
Address Maple Primary School, Townsend Avenue, St. Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 3SW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are warmly welcomed by staff as they arrive at the club.

Communication is clear between staff and teachers. Any important information is shared to ensure the needs of the children can be fully met. Children are familiar with the club's routines.

They know to put their belongings into the allocated buckets to keep them safe until home time, then wash their hands. Children enjoy a range of healthy foods for snack. They eagerly try foods they have not tried before, such as smoked salmon.

Young children prepare their own food, buttering bread for sandwiches and making wraps. Staff teach the children about foo...ds that are healthy. Children become deeply engaged in a wide range of activities.

They enjoy messy play with beans and shaving foam and decorate paper plates with art and craft materials. Children are extremely well behaved. Staff are excellent role models to the children and have high expectations for them.

Children have consistently high levels of respect towards staff and their peers and play alongside each other harmoniously. They are motivated to join in with all activities. They eagerly volunteer for helper roles to hand out snacks and help staff to wash up afterwards.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club. The manager and staff team consider the children's interests. They show complete dedication to ensuring that children receive a rich and stimulating experience, with all ages of children catered for.

The club has an effective key-worker system in place, which ensures that young children's well-being is effectively supported.The manager and staff work hard to support children with special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND). They have good relationships with the children's teachers and other professionals, which enables them to share strategies to support the children.

Staff use a range of visual aids, such as flash cards, to support children with their understanding and communication skills. As a result, children with SEND are well supported and enjoy their time at the club.Children benefit from experiences within the local community.

They enjoy trips to a local restaurant and outings to the park. Children visit the nearby residential home to sing to the residents. Community support officers come in and talk to the children about keeping themselves safe.

This helps children develop their understanding of their community and the world around them.Parents speak very highly of the club. They receive clear communication about their children at collection times.

Newsletters keep parents up to date with events and activities that are happening. Parents report that their children are happy and settled and enjoy their time at the club. They appreciate the 'creativity and efforts' staff put in to make their children happy.

Children's characters are developed and nurtured. Staff's effective practice promotes children's emotional well-being and ensures children feel safe and secure. Younger children are paired up with older children for support.

A 'buddy bench' provides a space for children to talk about their feelings. Children have a strong voice in the setting. Staff have set up a council for children to contribute their ideas for activities and thoughts about the club.

This enables children to have choices in their play and feel their contributions are valued.The manager is extremely supportive of the staff team. Staff receive regular supervision and monthly team meetings provide opportunities for reflection and discussion around practice.

The manager puts staff's well-being as a priority. Staff receive regular treats and an 'employer of the month' award is given to boost morale. Staff are given opportunities to attend additional training.

This develops their skills and practice to further support children.The manager works closely with the school they are located in. Regular meetings with the headteacher ensure the smooth running of the club.

The manager is highly reflective of the service. Regular parent questionnaires help her to review the provision and strive to maintain the high-quality service.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The manager and staff understand their responsibilities to safeguard children and ensure this is a priority for them. Staff undergo extensive training and hold regular discussions to keep their knowledge up to date. They are clear on how to report concerns, should they need to.

Children are kept safe as staff remain vigilant and supervise them extremely well. They learn to manage their own risk as they walk inside and understand how to hold scissors and cutlery correctly. The manager implements thorough procedures to ensure the safe recruitment and ongoing suitability of staff.

Also at this postcode
Maple Primary School

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