Ready Steady Go Childcare Ltd

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About Ready Steady Go Childcare Ltd

Name Ready Steady Go Childcare Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address 10-12 Mendip Avenue, Weston Super Mare, BS22 6HW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthSomerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children benefit greatly from a curriculum that considers their interests and how they learn best.

Staff interact well to assess what children know and can do. They quickly identify what children need to learn next and sequence their learning. Staff know that some children prefer time to play independently and check in with them regularly.

For example, older children develop good small-muscle skills as they build with the small plastic bricks. They confidently talk with the inspector about their designs. They explain they have made a chair for the 'hammerhead shark' to sit on.

They respond well to questions, e...xplaining how the shark is waiting to catch fish. They link their ideas well with recent experiences and find where they went on holiday on the world map.Children show curiosity in the world around them.

Enthusiastic staff help children to explore and investigate their environment as they search for minibeasts. Children crouch down and kneel to look under and behind objects to see if they can find the insects on their laminated pictures. Children hear a constant narrative which helps toddlers hear new words and build sentences.

Older babies are excited to learn, clenching their fist and grinning as they stir the mixture to make cornflake cakes. Staff know when older babies become overwhelmed and calmly offer a story away from the busy environment. Children become intrigued by the mirrors while staff build on their expressions and gestures, helping them to establish their sense of self.

Babies thoroughly enjoy listening to an engaging story told successfully with different voices and animation to draw them in.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is well designed to meet children's needs, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). There is a stronger focus on ensuring children feel settled and ready to learn, with personal, social and emotional development at the forefront of the curriculum.

Staff adapt activities so children are included and challenged accordingly. For example, older children thoroughly enjoy a game of hopscotch. Some children are invited to choose a coloured beanbag, others to find a numbered beanbag and others find a letter in their name.

Children listen well to the instructions and throw their beanbag to land on the given number. Children receive praise for their achievements, building high levels of self-esteem.Staff use focused activities well to build on children's knowledge.

Staff help older children recall what they know about eggs, while they make cakes for their tea. Some children give examples of how to crack them and others talk about alternative uses, such as to make omelettes, making links with their home experiences. However, on occasion, staff do not always consider the length of activities and how this can impact on children's behaviour and the needs of less confident children so that they remain engaged in their learning.

There is good support for those children with SEND. Staff plan an individualised curriculum which helps support children to make progress. Staff work cohesively with parents and other professionals to ensure information is regularly shared, reviewed and updated.

Staff assess need well and know when to make referrals to other agencies. They quickly identify how best to spend any additional funding, for example, to meet sensory needs.Children form exceptionally close bonds with familiar adults.

Babies receive cuddles and reassurance when they are tired, hungry or new people visit their room. Staff thoroughly support children in their transitions to new rooms and meet their individual care needs successfully.Staff make good use of outings, walks and visits to extend children's understanding of community.

For example, children love putting the lights and sirens on in the police vehicle when a police officer visits the nursery. Children listen and follow instructions well, showing pride in their achievements. Staff question children well to consolidate their learning and help them understand who can help them and keep them safe.

Children are kind to each other and behave well, overall. For example, when children need to leave the table to wash their hands, their friends stand up, push their chair in and let them through without prompting. Children show good manners and thank their friend.

There is a strong partnership with parents. Parents value the key-person system and the good communication they receive regarding their child's care and learning. Key people listen to parents and follow home routines successfully, such as baby-led weaning.

Staff provide support and ideas when needed, such as to progress toilet training.Leaders and managers have a good overview of what works well in the nursery. They provide effective support and coaching for staff to raise the quality of teaching, for example, through modelling practice, training and peer-on-peer observations.

There are robust systems to ensure staff are suitable for their role, and remain so. There are good systems in place to ensure staff well-being. Leaders and managers value their staff's contributions to the smooth running of the nursery.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding the put children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the organisation of focused group times to ensure all children remain engaged and staff keep interruptions to a minimum.

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