Red Bus Nursery & Pre-School

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About Red Bus Nursery & Pre-School

Name Red Bus Nursery & Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address 22-24 Old Weston Road, Flax Bourton, Bristol, North Somerset, BS48 1UL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthSomerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

The experienced provider has established a well-sequenced curriculum for all children.

The provider's vision is shared by all staff, who implement the curriculum exceptionally well, through planned and spontaneous interactions as well as the activities and experiences they provide children. Children's communication is a key priority. Staff consistently use repetitive words, phrases and sign to support communication from an early age.

For example, before lunch, staff sign and say to babies 'eat'. Babies excitedly kick their legs and smile. Children use a wide range of vocabulary and are confident communicators....r/>
Outside, staff help older children test their own ideas and develop their critical-thinking skills when deciding what objects will float or sink. Children are highly motivated in their learning and display deep levels of engagement through independent and supported play.Staff help children from an early age begin to recognise and label their emotions.

For example, when older babies are drawing with chalk, they point and say 'happy face'. Staff are excellent role models and have high expectations for children's behaviour. Staff use consistent and effective strategies throughout the nursery, such as visual timelines and 'now and next' boards.

This helps children to learn how to manage their emotions and prepare for what is happening next. Transitions are a key strength for this nursery. Children are polite, exceptionally well behaved and kind towards others.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum fosters the way in which children develop and learn. Staff are dedicated to ensuring that children acquire the key skills they need for future learning. Staff support babies' emerging independence and babies master new skills quickly, such as being able to feed themselves.

Young children persevere as they learn how to pull back toy cars to make them go. Older children maintain deep focus in small groups when engaging in role play. Children thrive in their learning.

Staff use their expertise and baseline assessment when children have settled to form robust starting points for children. The meticulous monitoring of children's development enables the provider to identify gaps in learning. The provider has built strong relationships with outside professionals and is highly attuned to the needs of children, who receive the support they need swiftly.

Staff provide children with a secure foundation for their early literacy skills. They carefully think about the 'core books' they want each age range of children to access. Older children enjoy 'Elmer' and learn about similarities and differences.

The provider consistently continues to enhance children's learning. They have recently introduced a project providing more focus on supporting children to begin to retell and create their own stories.There is a strong focus on sustainability and healthy living.

Children enjoy freshly prepared, nutritious meals and snacks, some of which the children have been actively involved in growing. Staff help children to learn about recycling and engage parents in activities, such as toy swap shops. Children learn how to value and care for the environment.

Children of all ages have free-flow access to outside. Children develop a love of the outdoors and practise their large-muscle skills. Babies excitedly pass staff their wellies, keen to go out onto their rooftop garden, so they can stomp in the mud and water.

Younger children develop good balance when riding on bikes, and children enjoy some quieter time in the cabin cutting out pictures, developing their small-muscle skills.The provider has built strong links with the community. Staff and children visit local farms, parks and libraries, and welcome the community into the nursery.

For example, a recent visit from the ambulance crew helped children to learn about people who help us. Staff teach children how their lives are different and similar to those of others, helping to prepare children for life in modern Britain.The provider has a clear ambition to identify and prioritise improvements.

Regular audits help to embed a positive learning environment. Staff receive 'two-way talk' sessions, focusing on professional development and well-being. Staff report high levels of well-being, empowering them to help children to achieve.

The provider has implemented a programme that provides mentoring to less-experienced staff, helping them to develop their teaching skills rapidly.Parent partnership is excellent. Parents comment on how the provider is 'proactive' in sharing information, and parents feel well informed regarding their children's learning.

The provider values parent feedback and they take part in monthly surveys about various topics, such as buddy key workers, and share the results in the monthly newsletter.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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