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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
The children are at the heart of everything in this remarkable nursery. They create extremely close bonds with staff, who offer excellent support and warmth.
Staff implement a highly ambitious curriculum with passion that cultivates children, who are incredibly curious and excited to learn. For instance, children design a ramp for their cars, staff support them to predict, think and have a go. Children excitedly comment 'I am going to test out my ideas'.
There is outstanding support for developing children's communication and language skills. Staff provide a language-rich environment and place high emphasis on e...nsuring that all children hear and develop a rich vocabulary. Children are supported by skilled staff using multiple methods.
Staff sensitively help children to communicate their needs, such as using signing, visuals, communication sheets and picture cards that help non-verbal children to be understood. In addition, a dedicated staff member provides small, targeted group sessions to further assist those children who need support in this area. Children demonstrate exemplary behaviour.
They show excellent understanding of the nursery rules and boundaries. For example, when coming outside to play, older children wait patiently for staff to deploy themselves in the different areas. Without staff reminding them, children know that they have to wait for staff to be in each area before it is safe to play.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff support children's physical development very well. For instance, younger children are supported to practise their walking and staff's forward thinking allows them to extend their learning effortlessly. They move furniture to allow children to continue cruising around while on a trip outside the nursery.
Older children show excellent control as they ride on tricycles and negotiate space and change of speed extremely well.The manager is extremely reflective and constantly strives to improve the quality of outcomes for all the children. She has made positive improvements to the support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
This is a key strength of the nursery. For instance, staff swiftly identify children who work below expectations, and they work closely with the dedicated SEND practitioner who tailors a first-class programme to support children to make rapid progress.Staff report a high level of well-being.
There is a culture of respect that has created a strong team spirit within the nursery. Staff comment they feel that they are valued and appreciated. For example, after a recent staff survey, the owner of the nursery has made improvements that have meant a lot to staff.
These include seasonal uniform, flexible working and access to full-time healthcare support.Transitions within the nursery are supported very effectively. Staff ensure that they take into consideration children's individual needs.
Parents are helped through this process very well. For example, monthly transition evenings support parents to get to know their child's new key person, visit the new room and understand the routine. Partnerships with parents are exceptionally strong.
Parents fully appreciate the outstanding individual care and attention their children receive to help them flourish and reach their potential. Parents comment that staff are 'incredibly caring and kind'.Staff consistently encourage children to be independent.
Children make clear progression in these skills as they move through the nursery. Babies learn to use spoons to feed themselves and drink from open-lidded cups. Toddlers master pouring their own water from jugs and learn to put their coats on.
Older children confidently serve their own lunches and scrape their plates. This fully supports children to manage their own personal needs and helps them become ready to move on to school.Leaders promote highly focused professional development for staff through monthly training and regular staff meetings.
Staff meet regularly to discuss and evaluate the impact that their ongoing professional development is having on the children and the setting. For example, recent training on emotional literacy has supported children to be able to confidently express their thoughts and feelings while recognising the impact of their actions on others.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have an excellent knowledge and understanding of the signs and symptoms that might suggest a child is at risk of abuse. They know how to respond if any concerns arise about children in their care. Staff implement effective risk assessments, in order to reduce any potential risks to children.
They reflect extremely well to ensure that any risks are eliminated and changes are made to ensure children's safety. The manager ensures that there are robust recruitment procedures in place and monitors the ongoing suitability of the team. Staff receive regular training to ensure that their knowledge is kept up to date.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.