Rosemary Nursery School and Children’s Centre

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About Rosemary Nursery School and Children’s Centre

Name Rosemary Nursery School and Children’s Centre
Ofsted Inspections
Address Haviland House, St Judes, Great Ann Street, Bristol, BS2 0DT
Phase Nursery
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 72
Local Authority Bristol
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Rosemary Nursery School and Children's Centre is welcoming and friendly. Children benefit from the high-quality care that staff provide.

They form strong attachments with the adults who care for them. This helps them to feel safe and secure.

Staff have high expectations for all children.

The school's vision that all children become independent, resilient and confident underpins learning. Children develop a curiosity about the world around them. They enjoy opportunities to explore freely, indoors and outside.

They become deeply involved in imaginative play and develop sustained concentration.

The environment is calm and nurturing. Children de...velop respectful relationships with one another and with staff.

They work and play cooperatively. They understand the expected routines and enjoy joining in with these. Children learn to manage their emotions and develop a positive sense of self.

Parents and carers praise the 'family feel' that staff create. They are overwhelmingly positive about the care and support their children receive.

Children benefit from visits made by members of the community, such as the police and farmers.

Opportunities such as these increase their knowledge of the world around them.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum has been planned in conjunction with parents. It covers the seven areas of learning that are important for children's development.

It is relevant and ambitious. In most areas of learning, the school considers carefully what pupils need to understand and checks whether they do. For example, in mathematics, children practise counting regularly.

This helps them to develop a secure understanding of number.

In some areas of learning, the school has not identified precisely enough what children should know and remember. In addition, the use of assessment is not as well developed in some areas as it is in others.

Therefore, staff do not always identify where children have gaps in their knowledge so they can adapt the curriculum accordingly.

The development of children's skills in communication and language is prioritised within the curriculum. Staff hold high-quality conversations with children throughout the day.

They are skilled in building children's communication through back-and-forth interactions and weave new vocabulary into conversations. This supports children to express themselves clearly. Most children speak English as an additional language.

The school is meticulous in supporting these children so that they achieve well and meet the high expectations set. The school celebrates the array of languages in its community.

Children demonstrate an understanding of stories by retelling them through role play, using their own words and recently introduced vocabulary.

Older children learn to recognise syllables in their names and some initial phonics sounds. This prepares them well for reading.

The school is highly inclusive and places a priority on identifying and meeting the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Staff make suitable adaptions which help children to follow the curriculum successfully. They work in close partnership with the parents of children with SEND and with external agencies.

Pupils' personal development is integral to the curriculum.

The school's use of 'core experiences' provides children with new and varied opportunities to develop interests and skills. For example, children learn to make bread and grow their own vegetables. The outdoor area enables children to take risks safely and develop their strength and coordination.

Children have an age-appropriate understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. They know to treat others fairly. Children learn about celebrations and festivals.

They are interested to learn about other cultures and faiths.

Children attend school regularly. Staff know the individual needs of children and their families.

They work together to support children to develop positive attendance habits.

Governors are well informed and have a strong sense of purpose. They are determined that the school continues to go from strength to strength.

The school prioritises the professional development of staff. Staff value this and appreciate the consideration shown for their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few areas of learning, the school has not outlined the key knowledge that children need to know and remember at each stage of development. This means that children do not always build confidently on what they have learned before. The school should identify the key curriculum content which will support children to build their knowledge over time.

• In some areas of learning, the use of assessment is not well developed. Therefore, staff do not identify where children have gaps in their knowledge with accuracy. The school should ensure that the use of assessment highlights gaps in children's understanding so that these can be remedied.

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