Russian School Raduga

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About Russian School Raduga

Name Russian School Raduga
Address Belleville School, Belleville Road, London, Surrey, SW11 6PR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wandsworth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children from a number of schools attend this Russian-speaking Saturday school.

Most children are there to develop and celebrate their home language or learn an additional language alongside English. The professional and well-trained staff focus on children's speech and language, as well as their reading and writing, as they develop through the school. Children enjoy their time at the Saturday school and happily arrive after the summer holiday, keen to share their news.

Staff are welcoming and enthusiastic and form positive relationships with children. They support children to gain confidence and settle quickly. Staff chat... to children constantly in Russian, showing a real interest in what they say and getting to know them well.

They use what they know about children to provide a broad range of engaging activities. For example, younger children learn about shapes and confidently name them. They then use the shapes to make pictures and confidently describe what they are creating to the teacher in Russian.

Older children take part in a variety of school sessions and also have opportunities to socialise with their friends and play ball games outside. Staff are positive role models and give children clear guidance about the behaviour they expect of them. As a result, children behave well.

They show kindness and respect as they speak and listen to staff and each other.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager is passionate about providing a high-quality and inclusive provision for all children. She has made many positive changes since the last inspection.

For instance, most staff have now completed their paediatric first-aid qualifications and have a good understanding of what to do in a medical emergency. The manager regularly reflects on practice and collects feedback from staff, parents and their children when looking to make improvements.Partnerships with parents are effective.

Staff keep parents up to date about what their children are learning and share observations through an online tool. Parents comment that their children's Russian has improved since starting and that they enjoy attending the Saturday school.Staff speak of the support that they receive from management and clearly enjoy their work.

Since the last inspection, staff have received more one-to-one meetings to discuss their professional development. They are committed professionals, who are passionate about supporting children to have the best possible time while at the Saturday school.Staff working with the younger children have a good understanding of the early years foundation stage.

They plan activities effectively for children, following their curriculum while supporting children's home language, blending the two together well. Staff working with the younger children have all completed early years training. However, the manager would like to develop this and encourage her staff to complete further training.

Staff support children's individual needs and interests effectively. They are highly engaging and spend a lot of time with children, following their interests and joining in with their play. Staff offer lots of praise and encouragement throughout the day.

As a result, children are confident and develop good levels of self-esteem.Children develop a good understanding of how to keep themselves healthy. They bring in healthy and nutritious lunches and have plenty of opportunity to play outside and engage in physical activity.

Children also learn good hygiene procedures, such as washing their hands before mealtimes.Staff are good role models for children and show respect as they speak and listen to children and each other. They have effective behaviour management strategies in place to support sharing and turn-taking.

As a result, children are kind and listen well. Staff communicate effectively with children. For example, they get down to the children's level and use visual aids and props to support those children whose Russian language is not as strong.

Staff help children to be aware of their own safety. For example, they discuss risks before going outside to play and why it is important to stay in the shade and drink lots of water on a very hot day. Children follow the rules.

Staff complete risk assessments and ensure that children are closely supervised at all times.Staff plan a stimulating learning environment, based around children's ages, abilities and interests. There is a wide variety of resources available for children to chose from and develop their skills further.

For example, children enjoy building with Russian alphabet bricks or manipulating dough with their hands, using a range of tools.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good understanding of how to protect children from harm.

They know how to identify and report their concerns about children to keep them safe. All staff attend regular training, as well as meetings, to ensure that their safeguarding knowledge is kept up to date. Staff make sure that the setting is safe and well maintained.

They act swiftly to deal with hazards. The manager ensures that all staff are suitable to work with children. Good recruitment and induction procedures help staff to understand their roles in keeping children safe.

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