S4A Group Ltd@St James & St Johns

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About S4A Group Ltd@St James & St Johns

Name S4A Group Ltd@St James & St Johns
Address St. James & St. John C Of E School, Main Street, Chackmore, Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, MK18 5JE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy to go to the club. They are greeted by enthusiastic staff who offer a very warm welcome.

The sessions start with lots of easy conversations. Children and staff share their news and find out about each other's day so far. Children show that they feel safe and secure.

For example, they tell staff about things that went well during the school day and things that did not go quite according to plan. Staff listen and offer the reassurance children need to feel better, and ready to enjoy the club.Children have access to a wide range of activities that are suitable, safe and fun.

There is an extensive p...rogramme of well-planned sports. Children can also choose to relax on the sofa, look at books or play more quietly. This means that the differing needs of children are catered for well.

Children are lively and also very well behaved. They listen to staff and do what is asked of them. Children understand, and follow, the rules in place to keep them safe.

For example, they know that they must not go into the playground unless an adult is there. Children speak very enthusiastically about the club, which shows that they enjoy attending. One describes the club as 'pretty perfect'.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager involves children well in planning activities. This helps children to feel it is very much 'their' club. This, in turn, helps to ensure they want to attend.

The manager talks to children about their favourite sports and activities and, when possible, incorporates these suggestions into the programme of activities.Children are able to try out a wide range of sports, which are taught well by trained staff. This helps children build a positive attitude towards an active lifestyle and gain in confidence to join in with sports elsewhere.

Alongside planned activities, staff provide children with time and space to follow their own interests and practise skills they are learning elsewhere. For example, on the day of the inspection, some children enjoyed practising their gymnastic skills.Staff know children well.

Younger children benefit from the continuity of a member of staff who also works with them at school. This, alongside good partnerships with the school and parents, means that staff are able to meet any individual needs effectively. As a result, younger children have any support they need to enjoy the club as much as older children do.

Children of all ages play together happily. Older children are good role models for younger children, showing them new skills and inviting them into their play.These warm friendships have a positive impact on younger children's confidence and sense of belonging.

Children demonstrate good levels of independence. They help themselves to drinks when thirsty, look after their own belongings and ask for help when needed. Staff are very effective in encouraging these developing self-help skills.

Staff create a very positive atmosphere where children feel valued and appreciated. Children often choose to display their creative endeavours on the display boards. They smile at the praise they receive for trying hard to do something well.

The provider and other senior staff members monitor staff performance and the overall effectiveness of the club in meeting the needs of children. This helps to maintain very high standards. Leaders are always looking for ways in which they can improve the club further still.

For example, senior staff have identified that they could review some craft activities, to make them more accessible to younger children.Parents are extremely happy with the service the club provides. They report how much their children enjoy attending.

Parents consider staff to be professional, warm and good at what they do. These effective partnerships help staff continue to meet the needs of children well and ensure children continue to want to attend.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The provider ensures all staff attend regular safeguarding training. There are effective systems in place to ensure staff's knowledge remains up to date. Staff demonstrate that they can recognise the signs of potential abuse.

They know how to share concerns with senior staff and how to escalate concerns beyond this if necessary. The provider follows robust procedures to ensure the suitability of those employed to work with children. Staff make accurate risk assessments and ensure the premises provide a safe and secure environment for children.

Also at this postcode
St James and St John CofE Primary School

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