S4K – Trevelyan

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About S4K – Trevelyan

Name S4K – Trevelyan
Address Trevelyan School, Wood Close, Windsor, SL4 3LL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WindsorandMaidenhead
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are warmly welcomed by staff at this inclusive holiday club.

New children are quickly supported by staff to find friends to play with, which helps them start their day positively. Children are happy and there is the sound of cheerful chatter and laughter throughout the session. Staff provide high-quality and exciting indoor and outdoor activities that children are eager to take part in.

For example, children develop their physical and investigative skills as they work together to 'capture the dinosaurs' during a scavenger hunt. They show high levels of engagement, listen carefully to staff and follow instructions ...well. Children have access to a large sports hall, where they enjoy developing skills, such as throwing and catching.

They also explore numerous outdoor activities. For example, children take part in parachute games and team relay races and learn to manage risks when playing dodgeball, rounders and archery. Staff create a warm and friendly atmosphere, and interact well with the children.

They praise children's accomplishments, listen to their views and opinions and create behaviour boundaries to support children's safety. As a result, children behave well and play harmoniously together, taking turns and sharing equipment. They show good manners and are polite and respectful to each other.

Children, including those who have not attended the holiday club before, are confident, happy and at ease with staff and each other.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are sensitive to children's individual needs. They plan a wide range of activities for different age groups of children.

Staff adapt these experiences according to their abilities to ensure all children can participate and achieve their goals. For example, the youngest children start with age-appropriate activities, such as sensory play resources, while the oldest children learn how to take part in team games, such as dodgeball.Leaders and managers consider the emotional well-being of children effectively.

For example, they place younger children together in the same group. These children are allocated their own key person to help promote their emotional well-being. Staff working with the younger children are well qualified and experienced.

They seize every opportunity to interact with children, promoting their communication, language and thinking skills very well. Staff are knowledgeable about how to provide fun and developmentally appropriate activities. For example, younger children enjoy creative activities, such as drawing and making masks.

Partnerships with parents are strong. Parents speak highly of the well-established team of managers and staff. They praise the close bonds they build with children and the nurturing approach they have.

Parents also acknowledge the variety of high-quality activities that are on offer. Children look forward to returning to the club each holiday.Staff deploy themselves well and provide good levels of supervision to help keep children safe.

They carefully monitor the numbers of children throughout the session as children move between the indoor and outdoor environments. Children know the routines and boundaries in place at the club. They ensure they inform staff before leaving one area of the club and let staff know when they are accessing the bathrooms in the school.

They help tidy up activities when they are finished, and are eager to help staff set up for new activities and games.Staff encourage conversations about the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Children are beginning to understand the benefits this has on their bodies.

For example, as children participate in sport activities, staff remind them to drink water to keep hydrated. Staff also talk to children about healthy foods at snack time. They give guidance to parents about options for children's lunch boxes.

This helps children to develop good eating habits and learn how to keep themselves healthy.Leaders have high expectations. They carry out unannounced visits regularly to check that the clubs are running effectively and in line with their expectations.

Staff say they really enjoy working at the holiday club. They feel valued and appreciated. Staff regularly update their own knowledge and skills.

For example, all staff attend a full mandatory training day before the club starts to operate. This helps staff to provide high-quality care for children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The management team has robust recruitment and vetting arrangements in place to ensure that those working with children are suitable for their role. Staff have a good knowledge of how to safeguard children. They can confidently discuss the signs and symptoms that might indicate that children are at risk of harm.

Staff demonstrate a good understanding of the safeguarding procedures to follow if they have concerns about a child, or the conduct of a colleague. They have completed safeguarding training and confidently talk about safeguarding matters, such as the 'Prevent' duty guidance. Risk assessment procedures are comprehensive.

Staff check the environment before children attend and take steps to minimise risks when necessary. They are vigilant in their supervision of children, ensuring that they deploy themselves effectively in the areas children use. Staff monitor children's attendance at the club to identify any concerns.

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