School’s Out Henleaze

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About School’s Out Henleaze

Name School’s Out Henleaze
Address Henleaze Infant School, Park Grove, Westbury-on-Trym, BRISTOL, BS9 4LG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bristol
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enter the club happily and choose from a broad range of activities. They are confident to select their own resources independently from a well-stocked cupboard. Some children enjoy a quieter activity after school, such as making badges.

Children take time to design their badges. They are confident to talk to the inspector about the shapes and colours they are using and to explain that 'N is for ninja' and holds special powers. Children wait patiently for their turn to use the press.

Staff encourage independence and support children to have a go at using the press. Children show pride in their achievements. They ar...e keen to wear their badges and show their friends and staff.

Children are well versed in the club's routines and behave well. Reception children place their belongings on a peg and find their snack and drink bottles. They find familiar adults and sit with them to eat their snack and talk about their day.

On occasion, younger children are not encouraged to wash their hands before they eat. Staff are friendly and children form respectful relationships with them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children have good opportunities to be outside and physically active.

Generally, they climb the larger equipment safely and purposefully. Children thoroughly enjoy using a variety of resources to make bubbles. They play companionably, chasing and popping them together.

They use language well to describe what they are doing and to explore their ideas with their friends.Staff establish clear routines with children so that they understand behavioural expectations. Staff give gentle reminders throughout the session and ensure children understand the possible consequences.

Recent staff training has ensured there is consistency in practice, such as using a traffic light system and positive handling.There is good communication with the school to ensure children's smooth collection from the classrooms or playground. Staff know who they are collecting and follow up on any absences promptly.

Staff pass on any information they receive from the school to parents. Children are only released into the care of known and authorised adults.Staff work closely with the school and parents to ensure children's individual needs are met, especially for those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Staff follow healthcare and individual support plans successfully. Any additional funding is used efficiently to support children's engagement and attendance, such as one-to-one support.There are robust recruitment and induction arrangements to ensure staff are clear about their roles and responsibilities.

Leaders ensure that all suitability checks are completed. Those staff who are waiting for enhanced criminal records checks and barred list checks understand that they do not work alone with children.Leaders provide good support for staff's professional development.

There are regular supervision meetings to discuss play cues, playwork principles and using positive language. Before a session, managers engage staff in an activity to share knowledge and good practice, such as exploring British values and what these mean in the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff maintain an accurate daily attendance record. They are vigilant and keep each other well informed when children move between the inside and outside environments. Staff use risk assessments appropriately, including those for large outdoor play equipment, to provide a safe space the children to play.

Staff are deployed effectively to ensure close supervision of children. Staff have a good understanding of the possible indicators that a child is at risk of harm. Those with lead responsibilities for escalating concerns understand procedures to refer promptly to other agencies.

Also at this postcode
Henleaze Junior School Henleaze Infant School

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