Scl At Banstead Junior School

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About Scl At Banstead Junior School

Name Scl At Banstead Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Banstead Junior School, The Horseshoe, Banstead, SM7 2BQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

The provision is outstanding • The inspirational leadership of the management team, and the strong accountability across all levels of management and staff, demonstrate their shared commitment to delivering exceptionally high standards. • Staff provide an abundance of exciting activities, precisely planned around children's likes and interests, throughout the club. This provides excellent opportunities for children to make independent choices about what they would like to do.

• The excellent leadership team is highly focused on continually evaluating the quality of care and activities provided. They highly value the views of children, parents and staff and use these effectively t...o implement meaningful ongoing improvements. • Children's behaviour is exemplary and they thoroughly enjoy their time at the holiday club.

They develop trusting relationships with each other and older children show great empathy towards younger children as they show them what to do. • Staff deployment is extremely effective and they all work well as a team. Staff are vigilant when caring for children and monitor their safety closely.

• Parents' comment that their children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club. They particularly value the extensive range of physical activities that keep their children active. Children proudly share their 'passports' with their parents, and these illustrate the variety of activities they participate in when they are at the club.

Also at this postcode
Banstead Infant School The Horseshoe Community Pre-School Banstead Community Junior School

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