Scl At Greenfields Junior School

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About Scl At Greenfields Junior School

Name Scl At Greenfields Junior School
Address Greenfields Junior School, Green Lane, Hartley Wintney, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 8DQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children greet the friendly staff with enthusiasm when they are collected from their classrooms. They talk about their day and enjoy the short walk to the junior school, where the club is located. Children learn to think about their own personal safety.

They understand why they need to wear high-visibility vests and learn how to cross roads safely. Children know their routines well. They wash their hands in preparation for their snack on arrival at the club.

Children are happy, well settled and benefit from a warm, welcoming environment. Staff strengthen the children's interest in mathematics well. For example, children cr...eatively build models with construction pieces and discuss the different shapes they need.

Staff praise children for their efforts, to further promote their self-esteem. Children persevere in their tasks. They concentrate intently as they engage in craft activities, such as making pretend fireworks.

Children build on their skills, such as how to roll paper into tubes. They confidently talk to visitors about firework events they are taking part in at home. Children are physically active and enjoy plenty of time outdoors.

For example, they enjoy ball games and take part in team activities, such as relay races.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

There is a strong leadership team in place and together they ensure that high standards are consistently provided. Staff comment positively on the teamwork at the club.

They say they feel valued, well supported and are encouraged in their professional development. Regular supervision helps them to reflect on their own practice. New staff complete a thorough induction programme and quickly become confident in their role.

The leadership team places high importance on keeping children safe. There are robust procedures in place for minimising risks, including the drop off and collection of the children from the infant school. Staff are consistently deployed well to ensure good levels of supervision and support for all children.

Children behave very well. They are considerate of their friends and follow rules and instructions with ease. Children are happy to help each other.

For example, when some children are unsure of what to choose for their snack, their friends talk to them about the foods they might enjoy.Staff plan a daily variety of activities for children and consider children's interests overall. However, they recognise there are opportunities to strengthen the children's voice even more and they plan to look at different strategies to seek their views further.

However, children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club and the activities that staff provide.Staff build on children's language and communication skills effectively. They interact very well with children and join in their play enthusiastically.

On occasion, such as during craft activities, in their enthusiasm the staff are a little directive and do not give children time to explore their own ideas.Partnerships with the host schools are well established to help meet the needs of children. There are robust systems in place to ensure there is a good flow of information between the club staff and teachers at the schools.

This shared approach to children's well-being ensures they receive good continuity of care.Children gain good knowledge of how to be healthy. They adopt good hygiene practices, such as washing their hands before eating their snacks.

Staff are fully aware of children's dietary needs and children clearly love the range of nutritious foods available. They enjoy sharing this time together and build on their social skills as they talk about their day at school. Children are independent and clear away their plates when they have finished eating.

This helps to build on their future life skills.Parents speak positively about the club. They say staff are friendly, supportive and share information about the activities their children have enjoyed.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a secure knowledge of safeguarding and child protection. They know how to identify and report any concerns about children or the behaviour of any adults working with them.

Staff attend regular training. Their knowledge is routinely checked to ensure that it is accurate. Staff teach children about internet safety.

They send out information to parents on how to keep their children safe while using the internet at home. The robust recruitment procedures in place ensure staff are suitable in their roles. The ongoing suitability of staff is frequently reviewed by the leadership team.

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Greenfields Junior School

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