Scl At Holly Lodge Primary School

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About Scl At Holly Lodge Primary School

Name Scl At Holly Lodge Primary School
Address Holly Lodge Primary School, Stratford Road, Ash Vale, Aldershot, Surrey, GU12 5PX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and arrive at the club excited to take part in the broad range of sports and creative activities that are on offer to them.

Staff are extremely welcoming and caring. They help children to settle quickly and develop trusting and encouraging relationships. Children have good opportunities to be physically active, such as during outdoor team and other group games.

They demonstrate their creativity and enjoyment as they mix colours and use straws to make bubble pictures. Younger children receive sensitive support from staff who get to know them well. Older children develop their social skills as they take pa...rt enthusiastically in games that require teamwork and problem-solving.

All children are encouraged to participate and enjoy activities to their full potential. Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour and are good role models. Children behave very well and show respect for others.

They demonstrate that they feel safe at the club. For example, they talk confidently about the rules to keep themselves safe. Staff give children lots of positive encouragement.

They support children well in their play.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children form good relationships with their friends and with staff. Staff deliver well planned activities, which encourage children to work together, such as when they compete against another team during an outdoor activity.

This helps them learn to value and respect each other.Children are able to make choices from the wide variety of exciting activities on offer. Everywhere you look, they are focused and engaged in play.

Staff are attentive, and enthusiastically involve themselves in children's play and activities. This helps all children to feel involved and included.Staff promote the importance of good health.

Mealtimes are sociable occasions where children eat together and discuss what they have been doing and the activities they enjoy. Staff encourage children to select the healthier options in their lunch boxes at mealtimes. This helps children to understand how to make healthy choices.

Children follow good hygiene practices. They understand the importance of good hygiene through activities and the everyday routines. For example, staff regularly remind children to wash their hands and ask them if they know why, to check their understanding.

Parents speak positively about the club. They comment that their children enjoy coming to the club and that they are happy with the service provided. Parents spoken to during the inspection say that staff are kind and caring with their children.

Parents are well informed about the activities on offer and their children's care.Staff report that they receive good levels of support and coaching from the senior management team. This helps them to ensure they fulfil their roles and responsibilities and continue to develop new skills.

Staff make good use of regular training opportunities. They receive a detailed induction to help them understand their roles and responsibilities.There is a strong leadership team in place and, together, they accurately evaluate the effectiveness of the club.

They seek the views of parents about particular activities their children have enjoyed and gather information about children's individual needs, choices, and interests before they start attending. They use this information to plan activities that children will enjoy the most.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Managers and staff understand their roles and responsibilities in helping to keep children safe. They are confident in recognising signs that may indicate a child is at risk from harm, including from wider safeguarding issues. They know the procedures they must follow to report this.

Leaders and managers make sure effective procedures are in place for the safe recruitment of staff, to ensure they are suitable to work with children. Staff follow well organised procedures when parents are dropping off and collecting children from the club. The premises are safe and secure, and staff complete daily risk assessments of the areas used by children to minimise the risk of harm.

Also at this postcode
Holly Lodge Primary Academy

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