Silchester Oaks

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About Silchester Oaks

Name Silchester Oaks
Address Silchester Primary School, School Lane, Silchester, Reading, RG7 2NJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and quickly settle into the activities on offer at this welcoming club. They report that they very much enjoy attending and like spending time with the play leaders. Children talk freely with adults, discussing their interests and activities in and out of school.

Children feel safe, secure and well looked after. They demonstrate high levels of confidence. For instance, they are keen to chat to the inspector about their experiences at the club and the activities that they are partaking in.

Children have lots of opportunities to be creative at the club. Staff use these opportunities to promote positive beh...aviour choices and interactions between children. For example, staff help children share tools and consider others as they model clay.

They suggest that children mix up more clay so everyone has plenty of choice about which colour of clay to use. Children are learning to be well mannered, polite and considerate of those around them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff successfully nurture and care for children.

They are attentive in meeting the individual needs of all children. For instance, when children who are more reserved look keenly towards a bustling activity, they encourage and support them in engaging with this. Staff remain with them until they are sure that children feel comfortable and their anxieties are eased.

On the whole, children are clear of staff's expectations of behaviour. Gentle and appropriate reminders are usually in place to support children in making appropriate and reflective decisions. However, at times, staff do not remind children of the importance of following rules that are in place to keep them safe, for example the need for children to not run when playing inside.

Children learn about how to live healthy lifestyles at the club. They are given many opportunities to be physically active, inside and outside, and enjoy the healthy breakfast and teatime meals available. Staff ensure that tables are clean and sanitised and that they wear gloves when preparing food.

However, staff do not consistently help children to understand why it is important to wash their hands before eating.Staff plan activities that promote children's understanding of people's experiences that are different to their own. For example, they learn about Chinese New Year, Diwali and Burns Night.

Children are gaining a sound understanding of what makes them unique and delight in celebrating similarities and differences with their friends and the community.Children are self-assured in their daily routines at the club. They know where to put their belongings and what is expected at various times.

For example, the children know to sit at the benches for registration and to form an orderly line when waiting for snack. Children's independence skills are promoted, and their views are accounted for well. For example, children choose activities and resources, such as table football and crafting.

Parents speak positively about the club. They feel well informed and appreciate the regular opportunities they have to provide feedback to the club. Parents state that staff are always available to discuss the needs of their children, and they feel that their children are very well cared for at the club.

Children often say that they do not want to leave when their parents come to collect them.Leaders are committed to continual self-reflection and strive for improvement. They regularly complete quality checks, including parent and child surveys as well as staff assessments and evaluations.

This helps managers to identify staff training and support to develop staff's knowledge and skills further. Staff feel valued and supported and have positive relationships with leaders and managers. This helps to ensure that high standards are consistently provided by the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The managers ensure that all staff receive regular, up-to-date and appropriate safeguarding training. This includes how to keep children safe online.

Staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities to keep children safe. They demonstrate the ability to identify the potential signs of neglect or abuse. Staff are clear about how to record and report concerns.

Staff are vigilant in their deployment and risk assess the premises and activities offered effectively. For example, staff accurately identify when the outside playground area is too icy for the children to use without appropriate treatment being applied to make it safe. The staff recruitment process is thorough and robust.

Managers ensure that essential checks are in place for all employees. Staff suitability is also checked on a regular basis. This helps to establish that all staff working with children are continuously suitable.

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