St Francis Pre-School

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About St Francis Pre-School

Name St Francis Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Yardley Children’s Centre, Yardley Primary School, Hawkwood Crescent, LONDON, E4 7PH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WalthamForest
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children develop good bonds with the kind and caring staff. Newer children, who are still settling in, receive good levels of support and reassurance as they become more familiar with their new environment and routine.

Children take part in a wide range of activities that they enjoy and contribute towards their learning in this welcoming environment. Staff are positive role models and teach children about expected behaviour in a positive way. As a result, children behave well.

Children show good creativity and imagination as they make decorative fireworks. They enjoy discussing the colours and resources they use and about the importance of staying safe when using fireworks. Children also enjoy participating in engaging language activities with matching picture cards.

Staff extend their learning effectively, as they support children to discuss different habitats and characteristics of animals.Children have fun joining in with familiar stories such as 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. Staff make storytelling exciting and encourage children to make predictions about what might happen next.

Furthermore, children join in with literacy activities and learn about objects and letters. This helps to develop their early literacy skills. Children have good opportunities to be active and learn outdoors.

Children laugh and smile as they ride on bikes and wheeled toys. This helps develop their gross motor skills and coordination.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children show positive attitudes towards learning.

They are curious and enjoy making independent choices based on their interests. Relationships at the pre-school are respectful and supportive. Children's emotional well-being is supported very well.

Staff obtain detailed information from parents when new children join to help them to settle in well. Staff work closely with parents to understand each individual child's likes and needs and take these into account when planning for their future learning. As a result, children settle well and show developing confidence at the pre-school.

Staff monitor children's development and keep parents regularly updated with photos, observations and information about their learning via a learning app. This helps parents stay informed about their children's overall progress.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive good support with their care and education.

Staff swiftly identify when children may need some extra help and work closely with parents. They also initiate collaborative working with other processionals to aid children's progress.Children engage in a variety of experiences to help them understand what makes them unique.

Children are encouraged to celebrate and share their own culture and customs. They enjoy learning about a variety of cultural festivals, for instance, through music, art and food. This helps to develop their awareness of different backgrounds and diversity.

Staff work closely with parents to promote children's overall health. For example, they provide children with nutritious snacks and provide information about the benefits of healthy and balanced meals at the pre-school and at home. Children also engage in weekly yoga classes.

This contributes to supporting their health and well-being in an effective way.Parents are very positive about their experiences at the pre-school. They express that their children enjoy attending, enjoy the stimulating activities and they value the welcoming atmosphere that the staff create.

Children receive good support with their learning. However, on occasions some staff do not maximise opportunities to extend children's language skills and knowledge to the very highest level.Staff keep all mandatory training up to date.

However, professional development is not sharply focused to help staff to raise the quality of education to the highest possible level.Leaders regularly monitor staff performance and provide mentoring to help them to enhance their practice. Staff discuss good levels of staff well-being and state that they enjoy their roles.

Leaders and staff display good commitment to reflecting on the strengths of the provision and working towards making positive ongoing improvements to enhance outcomes for children and families.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good understanding of their role to keep children safe.

They are knowledgeable about the possible signs that may indicate a child is at risk of harm. They also understand the procedures to follow if concerned about a child's welfare. Staff carry out frequent risk assessments to ensure children play in a safe and suitable environment.

There are appropriate measures in place to monitor that staff remain suitable for their roles. For instance, regular Disclosure and Barring Service checks are completed to ensure there has not been any changes to staff members suitability.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen staff's questioning skills to extend and challenge children's language skills and knowledge to the very highest level build on the programme of professional development in order to enhance the quality of education to an even higher level.

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