St Matthew’s Playgroup

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About St Matthew’s Playgroup

Name St Matthew’s Playgroup
Ofsted Inspections
Address c/o St Matthew’s Infant School, Chadderton Hall Road, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 0BN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Oldham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

The provision is outstanding • The manager, together with excellent support from the deputy manager, leads the staff team with superb efficiency and commitment. They have worked extremely hard to improve the quality of the playgroup since the last inspection. Staff have addressed the recommendations raised and enhanced many other aspects of their practice.

• Well-qualified staff use the information they obtain from observations to accurately assess what children know and can do and what they need to learn next. They plan challenging and exciting activities based on children's interests. Children are highly motivated and confident learners and make rapid progress in their learning....

• The highly skilled and knowledgeable special educational needs coordinator is valued immensely and is an exceptional asset to the playgroup. She is fully committed and passionate about her role and strives to ensure that children receive the appropriate support they need to help to ensure that they can make the very best possible progress. • Children thrive in this outstanding playgroup.

Staff are full of fun and enthusiasm and this is imitated by children, who are totally absorbed in their play and learning. The environment indoors and outdoors, is rich, imaginative, and exceptionally well organised to help to promote all areas of learning. • The key-person system is well established and highly effective.

Children develop exceptionally close relationships with all staff, who are extremely sensitive, caring and attentive. Care practices are extremely successful in helping to promote children's good health and well-being. Children demonstrate high levels of confidence and a strong sense of emotional security.

• Partnerships with parents, other early years providers and external professionals are excellent. Staff provide parents with a wealth of information about children's learning and progress. The shared approach to children's care and learning helps to promote high levels of consistency and continuity for all children.

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