Stand Preschool

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About Stand Preschool

Name Stand Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address Higher Lane Primary School, Egerton Road, Whitefield, Manchester, Lancashire, M45 7EX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bury
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are warmly welcomed into an exciting and vibrant setting. Their enthusiasm for learning is ignited by the excellent range of activities available. The dedicated staff team has high expectations for every child.

Staff are very mindful of children's interests and the ways that they like to learn. They respond quickly, changing or adapting activities to extend children's learning. Children of all ages are highly motivated.

Two-year-olds confidently request favourite stories and join in with familiar rhymes. Children delight in opportunities for spontaneous music and rhyme time outdoors. Smiling happily, they cree...p under the shelter of their 'den' to select musical instruments and sing familiar songs.

All children, including those who speak English as an addition language, are continually supported to develop their early communication skills. Children are very well prepared for their future learning. They are developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to benefit from what school has to offer.

Staff work closely with the host school. Children are gradually introduced to routines and new experiences in readiness for their eventual move into Reception Class. For example, three-year-old children confidently use the electronic online system.

They access details of meals that parents have ordered before collecting their food and going to sit in the school hall.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children enjoy a wide range of meaningful activities that help them to make good progress in all areas of their learning and development. The educational programme for communication and language is particularly strong.

Older children benefit from daily letters and sounds sessions. Experienced staff skilfully teach children how to listen carefully, so they can recognise and describe different sounds. For example, children listen intently to the click of a pen and the popping sound of bubble wrap, before being asked to identify objects they cannot see from the sound they make.

Children have excellent opportunities to develop their small-muscle control in preparation for eventual handwriting. They enjoy using a variety of small tools and have daily opportunities to practise and refine new skills.Children are developing high levels of independence.

During snack times, they make choices from the healthy options on offer. They enjoy learning how to use a small knife to spread butter on their toast. However, during lunchtimes children are not always supported to make healthy choices.

This is because children are given their entire meal including dessert on the same tray. As a result, some children choose to eat their sweet dessert first and leave much of the savoury part of their meal. Children have excellent opportunities to be physically active.

Staff make very good use of the available space within school and expertly weave physical activities into other planned learning. For example, after children have been sitting for a focused activity, staff ensure they have time to be physically active while maintaining a focus on children's listening skills.Stories are used well to help develop children's understanding of feelings and behaviours.

Staff are positive role models who provide consistent boundaries. Children understand what is expected of them and behave well. Older children happily share play materials.

They seek out friends to share their play and are learning how to negotiate. Relationships among children and staff reflect a positive and respectful culture and show that children feel safe and secure. Staff work closely with parents, who are encouraged to share what they know about their children's development and receive information to help them further support their children's learning at home.

The knowledgeable and experienced manager continually reflects on the quality of teaching and learning. She provides good-quality ongoing support, coaching and guidance for staff. Staff are encouraged to reflect on their own practice and consider future training needs to improve further the quality of teaching.

Staff meet regularly with the manager to discuss the progress of their key children, how they intend to help them make further progress and any concerns they may have. Children who are at risk of delay are quickly identified and plans are swiftly implemented to help children to catch up with their peers. Where appropriate, staff work closely with other professionals.

This means they are able to offer children finely tuned support to help meet individual learning needs.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have completed relevant training.

They have a secure knowledge of the possible indicators of abuse and understand the procedures of their Local Safeguarding Children Board. If staff have any concerns about a child, they act swiftly and make a referral to the relevant agency to help protect children from harm. Staff are clear about the procedure to follow if they have concerns, or if an allegation is made against a member of staff.

Staff implement rigorous risk assessments to ensure children can move around and play safely. They routinely raise children's awareness of their own safety and of ways they can keep themselves and others safe.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nenhance the programme of professional development to raise the quality of teaching to the highest level nimprove the support given to children to help them make healthy food choices.

Also at this postcode
Higher Lane Primary School

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