Stanhill Pre-School Before & After School Care

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About Stanhill Pre-School Before & After School Care

Name Stanhill Pre-School Before & After School Care
Ofsted Inspections
Address All Saints Church, Aspen Lane, Oswaldtwistle, ACCRINGTON, Lancashire, BB5 4QA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy, safe and secure. They are greeted warmly on arrival by the kind, caring and nurturing staff team. Children establish trusting bonds with staff, who are patient and gentle in their approach.

This effectively supports children's emotional well-being and helps children to grow in confidence as they explore their surroundings.Children benefit from a unique and interesting curriculum. Dedicated staff have high expectations and devise and implement activities, which support children to 'grow, explore and discover'.

There is a particular focus on developing a love of the outdoors. As such, children spend l...ots of time outside learning about the natural world around them. Children are extremely engaged and motivated to learn.

They independently select what they would like to do and demonstrate good concentration and perseverance in their chosen tasks. For example, children enjoy making a daisy chain. They continue to try hard in this initially challenging task and are praised by staff when they achieve what they set out to do.

This nurtures children's self-esteem well.Opportunities for children to develop their independence skills are plentiful. Children butter their own toast at snack time and put on their own coats for outdoor play.

They show an impressive awareness of routine and what is expected of them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider/manager is totally committed in her approach to ensuring that children receive the highest quality care and education. Her vision is echoed by the passionate staff team and as a result, children benefit from a good introduction to their learning.

They develop essential skills needed in readiness for school and make steady progress. This includes those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.Staff understand how to sequence learning.

They skilfully differentiate activities to ensure that children's individual needs are met well. For example, young children explore dough to develop the muscles in their hands in readiness for writing. Older children use number cutters and develop their skills in counting and number recognition.

Staff manage children's behaviour well overall. They intervene appropriately to ensure that children play safely. While staff are consistent in their approach, they do not always provide children with a clear explanation of why some behaviours are unwanted.

For example, they tell children to 'get down,' rather than elaborating to further children's understanding. This means that children do not always develop a strong awareness of the consequences of their behaviours.Staff gather pertinent information about children's likes, dislikes and routines when they first start at the pre-school.

This information is used to help children to settle quickly. However, staff do not obtain enough detailed information from parents about their child's stage of development and what they can already do, to support the planning process even further. Staff regularly observe and assess children's learning and carefully monitor their progress.

They share this information with parents via an online application and daily discussions.Staff support children's emerging communication and language skills well. They are mindful of the needs of non-verbal children and use picture cards to aid their understanding.

Staff ensure that they engage in face-to-face interactions and continuously model language and extend vocabulary. For example, children find a dandelion in the garden. Staff introduce this new word, and children excitedly share what they have found with their friends.

Furthermore, staff take time to sensitively correct mistakes in children's language. For example, as children say 'nana', staff repeat the correct pronunciation of 'banana'.Children are learning the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle.

They enjoy fresh fruit daily and talk about the importance of good oral hygiene. Children engage in energetic, outdoor physical play regardless of the weather. Furthermore, they grow produce such as peppers, potatoes and strawberries, and harvest these for snack.

This additionally supports children's understanding of where food comes from, growth and how to care for living things.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff fully understand their role and responsibility in protecting children from harm.

Effective procedures to safeguard children are implemented and staff confidently describe the action they would take should they have concerns about a child's welfare. Regular training, continuous professional dialogues and safeguarding quizzes help to ensure up to date knowledge and understanding. Staff are fully aware of the pre-school's whistle-blowing procedure and know how to report and escalate any concerns regarding a colleague's practice or conduct.

Staff deploy themselves effectively and supervise children well. Detailed risk assessments are conducted to enable children to play in a safe and secure environment.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: gather even more detailed information from parents about what their children know and can do at the start of their placement help staff to further develop their skills, so that they consistently provide children with explanations about unwanted behaviour and the consequences of their actions.

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