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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff provide a warm and welcoming start to the day. Children and families are greeted with smiles and conversation from the enthusiastic and caring staff as they arrive.
Children separate confidently from their parents. They make their way into the well-organised environment and choose from a range of exciting activities. Staff talk skilfully to the children as they play in the home corner.
They ask lots of interesting questions and encourage children to talk about what they are doing. Staff are careful to ensure that children who are less confident to speak are encouraged to join in with the conversation. This suppor...ts all children to develop their language and communication skills well.
Children behave well at the setting. Staff have clear expectations, and children are encouraged to recognise and understand their own feelings. Children discuss what makes them happy or sad and learn that how they behave can have an impact on others.
Staff use puppets and read books to help support children to understand their emotions in an age-appropriate way. Staff encourage children to reflect on their choices and understand the need to share. This ensures that children develop the skills needed to manage their own behaviour.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Overall, the setting provides a well-sequenced curriculum for all children. Leaders and staff assess the children's starting points carefully and plan activities to enable them to make their next steps in learning. Children choose from a range of interesting, independent and adult-led activities.
However, occasionally, during adult-led activities, staff are not fully clear what they want the children to learn. At these times, progress is less secure.Children's developing imaginations are well supported.
For instance, toddlers play together with their friends to care for their dolls, helping to develop their social skills and understanding of how to meet their own personal needs. Children show care and attention as they gently use wipes to clean the dolls and change their nappies. Staff read them stories about going to the toilet and incorporate opportunities for children to practise speaking and listening during these activities.
Children show a great interest in stories and learning new words. This supports the development of children's communication and language skills and imaginations well.The setting supports children to learn how to look after themselves and to stay healthy.
Children enjoy trips to local shops to choose fruit and vegetables to prepare and eat at snack time. Children choose from milk or water and confidently pour their own drinks from a jug. They are encouraged to try a range of fruits during a food tasting activity.
Staff are excellent role models, tasting the fruit alongside the children. Pre-school children carefully use safety knives to cut carrots, bananas, apples, pears and oranges on the chopping boards. Staff use this opportunity to discuss different colours and tastes and the benefits of eating a healthy diet.
This supports children to make healthy choices around food and also develops their confidence to try new and unfamiliar foods.Children have lots of fun in the outdoor space. For example, babies enthusiastically use spades and scoops to fill containers in the sandpit, and toddlers balance on beams.
Older children, have weekly disco parties with music and lights, where they can shake, jump, hop and make various large movements to exercise their muscles. This supports children to develop a wide range of their physical skills well.The diverse backgrounds of all children at the setting are celebrated and valued.
For example, children learn about a variety of festivals, try on clothing from different cultures, taste foods from around the world and participate in art and craft activities. Children share their experiences and feel valued. This supports children to show tolerance and respect for other people.
Children show that they are kind, caring and well behaved.Staff talk very positively about leaders and the wider staff team. They clearly enjoy their time spent with the children and colleagues.
Staff feel well supported by leaders. They meet regularly as a team and individually with leaders. They discuss their professional development and further improvements to what they offer the children and families.
This enables the setting to continually improve.Parents are highly appreciative of what the setting offers to the children and families. They describe the staff as 'brilliant' and report that their children are 'thriving'.
Parents talk about the very positive partnership between themselves and the setting. They describe the wonderful support and advice for issues such as toilet training or eating and how staff have worked with them to support the whole family. Parents are well informed about their child's progress and are given ideas for other activities to do with their child.
This supports them to continue the learning at home.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.