Sunshine Pre - School

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About Sunshine Pre - School

Name Sunshine Pre - School
Ofsted Inspections
Address 10 Lewis Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S13 8DA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are enthusiastic to start their day as they arrive at the pre-school.

Staff know children very well. They ensure that activities are readily available to capture children's imaginations and interests. For example, babies are drawn to a tray of colourful foam, where sea creatures are hidden waiting to be found.

Staff provide an inviting and stimulating learning environment. This supports children to become fully engaged in meaningful play throughout the pre-school. Staff skilfully adapt their interactions to build on and support children's individual needs.

They are positive role models. Staff teach ch...ildren to be polite and behave well. Children understand and cooperate with the well-known daily routine.

They feel safe and develop good social skills.Staff recognise the importance of developing all children's language skills in a variety of ways. For example, staff use signing and find out key words in children's home languages for children who are learning to speak English as an additional language.

Furthermore, children demonstrate high levels of engagement as they discuss ingredients for baking. Children confidently talk about what they are adding. They problem solve as they hold the bowls for their friends to stop them moving.

Staff introduce new words and skills, such as using electronic scales until they match the correct number on the recipe sheet. These opportunities contribute towards building children's range of vocabulary.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager and staff have worked tirelessly to meet all actions raised at the last inspection.

Leaders demonstrate commitment and determination to ensure that the curriculum offer is purposeful and embedded into practice. Children receive broad and balanced educational programmes that support them to make good progress in their learning and development.Staff expertly build on what children know and can do.

All children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, are fully included in all aspects of the routines of the pre-school. Staff regularly observe children's progress to assess their next steps in learning. This helps to identify and support children's further learning.

As a result, children make good progress.Overall, staff foster children's independence through everyday activities. Children relish the independence of choosing their play options.

They put on their coats as they go outside. Children butter their crackers for snack and pour their drink. They wipe their noses and put the tissue in the bin.

However, some staff carry out tasks for children that they can do themselves, especially at mealtimes.Staff give children lots of encouragement and praise in their learning. Children show a sense of pride in their achievements.

For example, as children pretend to make cups of tea, they select which tea to use, adding water and gently pouring from china tea pots into cups and saucers. As a result, children gain confidence and demonstrate respect for their resources.Children benefit from a highly effective key-person system.

Staff know their children exceptionally well. They work with their colleagues to ensure that, in their absence, children's learning opportunities and experiences are still fully implemented.Children learn about good oral health.

All children, including babies, are encouraged to brush their teeth. In addition, children access resources to practise their skills and learn about the role of the dentist. For example, as children bath the dolls and brush their teeth, they talk about visiting the dentist.

This supports good health practices.Staff have undertaken a comprehensive training programme since their previous inspection. This has inspired a greater understanding of how children learn and children's learning styles.

Staff have extended their skills and knowledge. This has enabled them to implement the pre-school's curriculum effectively to help children make even better progress in their learning and development.Partnership with parents is very good.

Staff keep parents up to date with what their children are learning at the nursery on a regular basis via an electronic app or verbally. Parents can attend parents' evenings to have in-depth discussions about their child's developmental progress with their child's key person. Parents comment on how much their children have progressed since attending the pre-school and how much they value the support offered by the staff team.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nensure that staff consistently support children's developing independence skills, especially at mealtimes, to enable children to make even better progress.

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