Super Camps at Talbot Heath School

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About Super Camps at Talbot Heath School

Name Super Camps at Talbot Heath School
Address Talbot Heath School, Rothesay Road, BOURNEMOUTH, BH4 9NJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bournemouth,ChristchurchandPoole
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are excited as they enter the camp to begin their day, as they know it will be packed full of fun and enjoyable activities which skilful staff have planned for them. Staff greet them enthusiastically and take them through to the main hall for the welcome talk.

There, new children are introduced to everyone and children who have attended before re-acquaint themselves with their friends and staff.As the manager reminds the children about safety the children listen attentively. Then they move sensibly between the activities.

Children demonstrate that they feel safe and secure as they respond to questions from staff a...bout safety, first aid and the routine of the day. Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour, and the children know what is expected of them. For example, the children can recall the 'golden rules' of camp.

Children keenly participate in the varied indoor and outdoor activity programme. They form new friendships and build good relationships with the staff, who are supportive and kind. Children are sociable and engage well with each other.

They say that they enjoy attending and particularly like the sports activities, especially swimming. Staff plan enticing activities inside and outside, taking advantage of the expansive grounds of the setting.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff explain to children at the start of the day that they can be awarded points for positive behaviour.

They are placed in teams named by colours, with children of different ages. They respond positively to this system and work as a team towards achieving the highest number of points. Children discuss among themselves what they can do next to gain more points.

This helps to support children to behave well and learn the difference between right and wrong.Staff promote healthy eating and encourage children to develop their understanding of foods that are good for them. They sit together at break and mealtimes and share conversations about foods they like.

Staff encourage children to remember to take their water bottles to each activity, so that they remain hydrated throughout the day. Children are developing a strong understanding of how they can keep themselves healthy.Younger children have time to engage in quieter activities, such as listening to stories.

Staff make this fun by asking children to vote for their favourite story. Children are confident communicators and are happy to express their views appropriately. Staff then build on the children's self-esteem and encourage them to join in familiar phrases from the story.

During team games such as dodgeball, children use space well. Staff support them to work as a team and cheer each other on. Children love joining in with games and help to explain the rules to children who are not as familiar with them.

Younger children exercise outside as they embark on a hunt for toy dinosaurs, which mirrors the weekly theme of the activities.The manager takes the happiness and well-being of staff seriously. As a result, experienced and knowledgeable staff return season after season.

Staff are happy in their roles and morale is high. The manager monitors staff practice closely and provides ongoing training to help to improve their performance.Children have an excellent understanding of how to keep themselves safe.

For example, they know that they must inform an adult if they are leaving an activity to go to the toilet and that they must go in pairs. Children can confidently describe the procedures that they must follow in the event of an emergency. This includes stopping what they are doing and listening to instructions from adults.

Staff ensure that all children are fully included in the camp. For example, they meet some parents and children prior to joining the club. This helps them to find out the information they need to meet children's needs.

This is particularly successful for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, who settle very well and are supported effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The managers ensure that all staff complete training around safeguarding before they begin working at the camps.

They remind staff about their safeguarding responsibilities during regular briefings. Staff know the signs to be alert to and confidently describe how they would report any concerns. Directors of the company have robust recruitment procedures in place to ensure that they employ suitable people.

They review staff's ongoing suitability before each holiday camp. Staff receive a clear induction to inform them of the company's policies and prepare them for their roles. Staff follow policies and procedures consistently throughout the camp.

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