Sutton Kids Club

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About Sutton Kids Club

Name Sutton Kids Club
Address Sutton Primary School, Bayley Way, Hereford, HR1 3SZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Herefordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy attending this welcoming and entertaining club.

They are brought safely to the club by their class teachers and are greeted with a smile and warmth by the team of dedicated staff. Staff talk to children about their day and share with them the activities on offer. This helps children to feel safe and secure and builds on their feelings of being valued.

Children immediately engage in activities that staff have set out for them. Staff know children very well and their interests. For example, staff have created mini football pitches inside boxes, following on from children's interest in the world cup.

C...hildren play in pairs, using a straw to blow a table-tennis ball into their opponent's goal. This encourages children to play cooperatively and explore new skills. Staff enhance children's creativity.

For example, they provide them with opportunities to design football shirts. Children use a variety of mark-making resources to create patterns and write words to support their developing imagination. Staff talk to children as they describe what they have created and discuss the name they have given to their sports team.

Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour, children behave well, share resources and show kindness to their friends. Staff and managers have developed the setting, so that children have access to a safe indoor and outdoor environment. Children can choose where they would like to play, with adult supervision.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children take part in a variety of activities that complement what they have been doing in school. Positive links between the school and club allow staff to share information about children. This enables staff in the club to continue to support children's next steps and consolidate learning.

For example, younger children have opportunities to strengthen their fingers through construction and mark-making activities. This supports their developing early writing skills.Children learn about other communities and the world they live in.

For example, they enjoy exploring the differences between world flags. Children talk to staff and their friends about the colours and patterns and work together to make flags using a range of resources. Staff are active partners in children's play.

For instance, children talk to the them about the flags that they have made and name the countries that they belong to.Staff have meaningful conversations with children and find out what they would like to play with. They use this information to inform their future planning.

This helps to ensure that children always have things to do which interest them. Staff respond to the individual needs of the children. For example, after snack time when children become more physically active, staff provide space for them to play ball games inside safely.

Staff comment on the positive environment that they have created through good teamwork. They reflect on their practice frequently and enhance the provision to meet the needs of children that attend. Staff working in the club also work in the on-site pre-school.

This supports the well-being and transitions for pre-school and Reception children that attend the club.Children are provided with a variety of healthy foods that they help to prepare. For example, children butter their own crackers and choose their own fruit.

They follow good hygiene routines, such as washing their hands before and after eating. This encourages children to develop their independence skills and good hygiene practices.Staff seek the views of parents in the form of a questionnaire.

Parents are happy about the care that their children receive and feel that they benefit from the social element of mixed-age groups. Parents report that their children are kept safe and are happy. However, some parents are not always aware of what their children do at the club, that said, this does not negatively impact on children's experiences.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers ensure that only suitable people are employed to work with children. Effective recruitment and induction procedures help staff to understand their roles in safeguarding children.

Managers and staff have a robust knowledge of their roles and responsibilities. They have a secure understanding of child protection and safeguarding issues. Staff know the correct procedures to follow should they have any concerns about a child.

They supervise children well and ensure no unauthorised person can enter the premises. Staff take part in additional training to strengthen their knowledge. They carry out thorough risk assessments to ensure that children are always supervised by staff, and that regular maintenance of resources used by children are completed.

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