TSF After School Club

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About TSF After School Club

Name TSF After School Club
Address St. Johns C Of E Primary School, Hertford Road, Welwyn, AL6 0BX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive happily at this friendly, fun club. They seek out staff to tell them about their day at school and outings they have been on. Staff are attentive to children and give their full attention to them.

Children are eager to engage in games, sport and creative activities. Staff know children well and make sure their favourite toys are available to them. This results in children engaging in activities well.

For example, they work together to build train tracks, showing respect for each other's views and ideas. Children have many opportunities to be active and take part in various sports. A basketball challenge is ...met with eager enthusiasm.

Children are highly competitive and at the same time highly supportive of each other. Older ones support younger ones to achieve, giving 'high fives' to encourage them to keep trying. Children of all ages play cooperatively, sharing toys and resources well.

They listen to instructions given to them by the staff and respond appropriately. Children's behaviour is excellent.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children enjoy taking part in craft activities.

They draw detailed pictures and talk about who each person is they are drawing. Other children carefully colour in pictures and excitedly chat about their forthcoming plans for Easter. Staff join in activities alongside children.

They interact very warmly as they discuss what they are doing and talk about their day.Staff work hard to keep children safe. They carry out robust risk assessments to ensure the premises, both inside and outdoors, are safe and secure.

Staff are aware of their roles and deploy themselves effectively. This helps to make sure all children are supported and supervised at all times.Children have many opportunities to make independent choices, such as where and what they would like to play with.

They bring a snack from home which they can eat when they are ready. This enables children to recognise their own bodily needs. When the weather allows, staff provide children with many opportunities to be physically active in the fresh air.

These activities have a positive effect on children's health and well-being.Parents talk positively about the club. They say their children enjoy the activities staff provide.

Parents feel their children are safe and that the staff care for them well. Children also speak positively about the club. They say they enjoy the activities and report that the staff are kind to them.

As all staff work in the school, they know children well. Children seek out familiar adults, such as when they need help with their personal needs. Staff are highly aware of children who need additional support.

For example, they help children to manage their health needs very well.The provider ensures all staff are suitable to work with children. They receive good support and training to build on their knowledge and skills.

Staff talk positively about their roles and are happy working at the club, alongside their roles in the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
St John’s CofE Primary School

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