Taywood Nursery School Seedlings

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About Taywood Nursery School Seedlings

Name Taywood Nursery School Seedlings
Ofsted Inspections
Address Taywood Nursery School, Accrington Road, Burnley, BB11 5AE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

The provision is outstanding • The head of the nursery school, her manager and staff team have an extremely clear vision for the continued development of the setting.

The management team thoroughly review all aspects of teaching and care that the well-qualified and highly experienced staff provide. This helps to ensure that children make excellent progress in their learning and development. • The key-person system is exceptional and supports children's emotional well-being very effectively.

Staff know children and their families well. Firmly established partnership working ensures continual support for children's next stages of learning. Parents speak very highly of the ...care their children receive.

• Staff's enthusiasm and commitment is admirable. They continually offer support to one another throughout the day. This helps to ensure a safe and secure environment for children.

Staff have established excellent attachments with children in their care. • Children's social and emotional development has a high focus. Children are happy, settled and content.

Care routines are very well embedded and children display a high level of self-care and independence skills from an extremely young age. • Staff introduce complex mathematical concepts to very young children. For example, staff discuss the various sizes of balls and children experiment excitedly to find the ball that fits the tube.

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Taywood Nursery School

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