The Beehive Hatch Ride

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About The Beehive Hatch Ride

Name The Beehive Hatch Ride
Address Hatch Ride Primary School, Hatch Ride, Crowthorne, RG45 6LP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wokingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive incredibly happy to attend this warm and nurturing club. They form close and trusting relationships with the staff who know and care for the children very well.

Staff work hard to get to know the children and their families exceptionally well. This helps children settle into club life swiftly and smoothly. Children are keen to chat to staff members about their school day or special events at home, such as birthdays or trips out.

Managers and staff plan a wide and varied range of activities. Some are adult-led and others the children take the lead on. Staff skilfully play alongside the youngest children, to extend their play further.

For instance, when children are playing with toy characters, staff offer narratives for the scene, helping children to develop their vocabulary and storytelling techniques.Children benefit from staff's high expectations and act as positive role models. For example, staff model good manners and consideration for others.

They state why they are doing this out loud for children to digest reasons for such behaviours. Consequently, children are kind and caring towards one another and consistently use excellent manners themselves. Children happily share craft resources and pass one another cutlery using please and thankyou during the self-serve snack times.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children settle extremely well into the club. Managers have robust induction procedures in place, which ensure that pertinent information has been shared about each child from home and school. This helps staff gain an in-depth understanding of the children before they start.

Staff then use this information to plan for individual's interests and likes, as well as stages of development, effectively.Managers and staff are enthusiastic in their approach and have a genuine passion for their work with the children at the club. They are dedicated to spending time with the children, ensuring that they feel safe and welcome and that their needs are being met.

Staff listen to children's opinions and find out about their interests. This helps them to provide ongoing engaging and stimulating activities. For instance, children show a love for sports and football and so staff provide a very popular football themed craft activity.

Children understand the need for good hygiene. They immediately wash their hands when entering the club, before eating. Staff provide a wide variety of healthy fruits and vegetables that the children enjoy.

Staff are vigilant in their supervision of children. They watch children in the large outdoor areas make up games in the wooded area, while others challenge children to complete circuits on scooters or have a go at the monkey bars. Children's health and well-being are promoted well.

Children benefit extremely well from the wealth of rich experiences that the club provides. Children's opinions are listened to and acted on. For instance, managers have organised visits from different outside specialists, such as bird of prey experts, when children have expressed interests in this area.

Children demonstrate high levels of engagement and resilience, and staff praise children for this, which spurs on their enjoyment and interaction. When children make models with small construction equipment and things do not go to plan, staff offer some praise for what has gone well and provide advice on how to best continue. Children then regain their focus and persevere until they succeed.

Parents are incredibly complimentary about the club. They are particularly pleased with the level of care and wide range of exciting activities that their children are offered at the club. Partnerships with parents are strong.

Reflection and an ongoing drive for self-improvement is paramount to the leadership team and staff. They continually review the club and what it has to offer, as well as evaluating staff's knowledge and skills. Leaders put effective measures into place to identify areas of development and support future improvements.

Staff have access to training opportunities that help to improve the club for all children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Hatch Ride Primary School

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