The Big Adventure Club Shaw Ridge

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About The Big Adventure Club Shaw Ridge

Name The Big Adventure Club Shaw Ridge
Address Shaw Ridge School, Ridge Green, Shaw, SWINDON, SN5 5PU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Swindon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Passionate and friendly staff welcome the children into this inviting and nurturing after-school club. They enthusiastically ask the children about their day and what they have learned.

The children show they have formed strong relationships. They invite staff into their play and feel comfortable to ask questions. Staff engage with the children in their chosen play.

They provide a wide range of praise and encouragement, which helps children develop high levels of confidence.The children enjoy spending time outdoors. They participate in a wide range of physical activities, which support their mental health and well-being....r/>
Children freely run races around the track. They decide to time their laps and challenge themselves to beat their previous time. Staff and other children stand on the sidelines.

They cheer each other on and encourage one another to keep going. Children play football and challenge staff to hit the crossbar with the ball. They explore bubbles and make daisy chains within their friendship groups.

Staff promote healthy eating and provide the children with a wide range of healthy snacks. Children create pitta pizzas using a range of toppings. They talk about healthy food choice alongside different preferences.

Staff encourage the children to help with daily tasks. Children wash up their plates after tea and help to carry in outside play equipment. This develops children's independence and skills needed for later life.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff plan the play environment to meet the needs and interests of the children. They provide various activities and spaces for children to explore freely. The children make choices about what they want to do.

They use their imagination and creative skills as they pretend to be doctors in the role-play area. The children choose their roles and call on staff to be injured or unwell. They giggle and laugh as they play, which enhances friendships and expands their social skills.

Parents praise the after-school club for providing their children with fun and engaging activities They state their children love attending the club and do not want to leave due to having so much fun. Staff provide parents with detailed handovers about their child's day. Parents feel comfortable approaching the friendly staff with any support or information they need.

Children like participating in competitions and winning rewards, which builds a positive attitude to learning.Staff feel valued and appreciated by the owners. They are passionate about their roles and enjoy working in the company.

The owners conduct regular supervision and observations of the staff. They offer support and feedback. Staff undertake a rigorous induction process.

They complete mandatory training before they start and have courses to help them in their personal development. This helps elevate their practice to a higher level.Children behave extremely well.

They show respect and kindness towards each other. Children wait their turn and use their manners. They manage minor conflicts without the support of an adult.

Staff offer gentle reminders of the club rules. They talk to the children about how they are feeling and how their actions make others feel. Children show confidence in communicating with visitors.

They tell the inspector about what they enjoy doing at the club and happily invite her into their play.The owners and staff collaborate well with the school. They have important discussions about the children in their care and any concerns they might have.

The owner is continuously reflecting on and evaluating the provision. She gains feedback from parents, staff, and children to identify any areas for improvement. The owner works closely with the school to make the relevant changes, which will enhance the provisions further.

For example, the owner wants to create an allotment for children to grow vegetables and discover nature.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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