The Club (Frimley Ltd) & The Holiday Club (Frimley Ltd)

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About The Club (Frimley Ltd) & The Holiday Club (Frimley Ltd)

Name The Club (Frimley Ltd) & The Holiday Club (Frimley Ltd)
Address Grove Primary School, Chobham Road, Frimley, CAMBERLEY, Surrey, GU16 8PG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements All children, including the youngest, arrive at the club happy and settle quickly. Children show that they feel safe and are fully aware of the routines.

They are now able to engage with each other and enjoy mixing with different year groups. Children welcome this change, following previous stricter restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic when they had to stay in year groups to help reduce the risk of infection. Children eagerly talk with staff and their friends about their school day.

Children are proud of their achievements. They confidently tell the inspector how they are using the small beads to create a model. clearly know that an adult will need to help finish the model by using a hot iron to bond the beads together.

They understand that it is not safe for them to do this for themselves. Staff know the children well and have high expectations. Activities follow children's current interests and this helps to build on the knowledge they gain from school.

All children are valued as individuals, and they show good levels of positive self-esteem. Children's behaviour is exceptional. They fully understand about taking turns and being kind to one another.

For instance, children negotiate between themselves over whose turn will be next.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff follow effective procedures to promote the smooth organisation of this busy club. For example, robust procedures ensure children are safe at drop off and collection times.

The manager deploys staff well. Staff use walkie talkies to stay connected with one another and to pass on any messages promptly. Staff all show a keen interest in what the children are doing.

Their interactions are of high quality, they provide a club that children have fun at while relaxing after the school day.Children enjoy a wide range of healthy foods. Staff talk to children about the benefits of following a healthy diet and of the importance of good oral health.

There is always fresh fruit available. Children can access water throughout their time at the club. Each day, staff organise outdoor activities, so that children get plenty of fresh air.

Such as a treasure hunt to find dinosaurs hidden in the wildlife garden. Children happily search under logs, branches and leaves until they find all the dinosaurs.Younger children benefit from using the sensory room which provides a tranquil and quiet space away from the main play area.

They use torches and fibre optic lights to reflect images while inside the blackout tent. Staff talk to the children who articulate what they know through their games and interactions.Staff use the space well.

The club has use of the school halls and various classroom areas. Children can self-select play equipment and resources, which are varied and plentiful. For instance, children help themselves to a ball and organise a game of football in the outside area.

Children comment that they enjoy the games they play together, particularly football. Other children select a hairdressing doll and create hairstyles, which they describe to one another.Staff at the club form secure and effective partnerships with the teaching staff in the host school.

There is a good exchange of information to help complement and build on children's prior learning. This also helps to support the continuity of children's well-being.Parents are very happy with the care their children receive.

They say that staff share and exchange information with them effectively. Parents comment that staff are friendly, approachable and knowledgeable and that their children are happy at the club. Parents explain that children often find excuses to stay at the club, so that they can continue their play and do not want to go home.

Staff receive regular support and opportunities to complete training to enhance their practice. They work extremely well together and say that the manager values their work and they know that their commitment and contribution to working with the children at the club are valued.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff demonstrate a good understanding of their responsibilities to protect children from harm. They regularly talk to children to help them to develop an awareness of how to keep themselves safe. This is demonstrated by children knowing how to use play apparatus safely.

All staff know the procedures to follow if they are concerned about a child. They know what to do if they suspect an adult working with children is causing harm to them. Staff attend regular training and are alert to the signs of abuse, neglect and the wider issues of safeguarding.

Also at this postcode
Little Oaks Pre School Frimley The Grove Primary Academy

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