The Den @ Whittington Primary School

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About The Den @ Whittington Primary School

Name The Den @ Whittington Primary School
Address Whittington C Of E School, Whittington, Worcester, WR5 2QZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Worcestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements The staff at the club provide a calm environment where children can relax and socialise with their friends after a busy school day. Children enjoy the time they spend at this welcoming and friendly club. They are warmly greeted by staff and quickly settle to their chosen activity.

Children enjoy joining in with craft activities. They persevere and concentrate well as they create Chinese lanterns. They take great pride in their achievements, showing their creations to staff and visitors.

Children are physically active every day. They join in enthusiastically when invited to take part in a game of dodgeball. Staff have high ...expectations and give children clear rules and boundaries.

This helps children to understand what is expected of them. As a result, children behave well and play harmoniously with each other. Children continue to develop the skills they need to help them at school.

They develop their independence skills. For example, they take care of their own belongings and help to tidy away after snack time. They enjoy using their imaginations as they dress up as their favourite characters.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are friendly and approachable. Children form strong bonds with them and readily invite staff to join their play. Staff offer children praise and encouragement.

This helps to promote children's emotional well-being.Children are polite and well mannered. Older children form good friendships with younger children.

They share and take turns during their play. Staff act as good role models. All children show respect to their friends, staff and visitors.

Staff working at the club also work in various roles within the school. For example, the manager works as a teaching assistant in the reception class. This helps to promote consistency for support between the school and the club.

Staff provide time and support at the club for children to continue with the work they are currently undertaking within school.The manager provides effective support to all staff. Staff complete mandatory training and have regular opportunities to discuss their personal effectiveness through discussions and meetings.

The manager and staff reflect well on the provision. They are passionate about the service they provide and strive to provide a club that children have fun at and enjoy attending.Staff continue to support children's communication and language skills.

They engage children in frequent and meaningful conversations and discussions. Staff value children's contributions and frequently seek their ideas and thoughts.Children develop their awareness of their own safety.

They confidently explain the rules of good behaviour to visitors. They explain how they are allowed to run in the playground but not allowed to run in the hall. They explain that this is because it is dangerous to run indoors.

Children demonstrate that they understand the importance of following good hygiene routines. They follow the daily routines well, such as lining up to wash their hands before they have their snack. Children sit in small groups and staff chat with them, making snack time a sociable occasion.

Partnerships with parents are good. Staff share appropriate information with them to ensure they are well informed. Parents express how happy they are with the care their children receive.

They say their children really enjoy attending. Children say how much they enjoy coming to the club; 'I love it - I like seeing my friends'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The manager and staff have a good understanding of the procedures they would follow should they have concerns about a child's welfare. They confidently describe the possible signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect. They are aware of wider safeguarding matters, such as the dangers of radicalisation and extremism.

Staff are vigilant and maintain a safe environment for all children. They monitor the door well during collection times, ensuring only known persons are able to gain entry to the setting. The manager completes ongoing checks to ensure staff are suitable for their role and to work with children.

Also at this postcode
Whittington CofE Primary School

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