The Elves and Fairies Woodland Nursery

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About The Elves and Fairies Woodland Nursery

Name The Elves and Fairies Woodland Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Edmondsham Village Hall, Edmondsham, WIMBORNE, Dorset, BH21 5RF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Dorset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children behave exceptionally well. They take turns, show respect for each other's ideas and play beautifully together. Children thrive in the calm, well-organised environment which helps them to relax and immerse themselves in learning.

They demonstrate impressive levels of attention. Children recall things they have learned in the past and relate them to their play and planned activities. They are eager to show off their knowledge.

For example, older children confidently talk about the forest school rules. They practise the rules as they walk around to complete risk assessments before they start exploring the woodlan...d area. Staff recognise children's hard work and offer praise and encouragement in return.

This helps to secure the strong, affectionate bonds children have with the staff.Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, staff are providing children with even greater support in the development of their communication and language, and social skills. Small-group activities provide children with lots of opportunities to express their own thoughts and ideas, which helps to boost their confidence.

Children embrace this. They talk animatedly to staff about things they hear and see in the environment. They are keen to talk about plants and flowers, and how to use the stem of a dandelion as a whistle.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are making good progress. This includes children who speak English as an additional language. Staff plan a challenging, varied curriculum to ensure children are well prepared for the next stage in their development.

They identify and put in place positive strategies, for instance sign language or introducing positional concepts, such as 'besides' or 'next to', to support children's learning and understanding.Staff have high expectations of what children can achieve. They know what children can do and what each individual child needs to learn next.

Children listen when staff talk to them and respond positively to requests. However, on occasions, some staff are too quick to intervene when children are problem-solving. This means children do not always gain the skills expected of them.

Staff comment that they feel valued by the manager. There is a clear sense of teamwork, as staff support each other positively. The manager meets regularly with staff to talk to them about how they are performing within their roles.

Staff and the manager identify training that would improve staff's knowledge and benefit the children. Staff attend training, including that to promote children's speech and language skills. The environment is rich in language.

Staff speak quietly and calmly to the children and encourage good conversations.Children are eager learners and confident to try new things. For example, they participate in activities using flowers to dye fabric, hammering the flowers to release the colours.

Children learn how to use tools safely, and notice patterns on the fabric.Children's understanding of simple mathematics is well supported. Most activities have opportunities for counting, and recognising numbers, space or shape.

Children enjoy learning mathematical language and simple sums, as activities are well planned and fun. For instance, children concentrate, counting and adding the different groups of chickens together.Staff place a focus on children learning about being healthy and leading an active lifestyle.

Children enjoy freshly cooked meals and snacks. They discuss the benefits of eating a healthy diet as they help to chop up vegetables for snack time. Children develop their physical strength as they climb on large tyres, use rope swings, run around and ride on balance bikes.

Staff have formed friendly, professional partnerships with parents. Parents speak highly of every aspect of the nursery. They comment that communication is very good and that their children have 'blossomed' and are keen to attend.

Many spoke of how appreciative they are of the support staff give them, for example working together with other settings that children attend, such as school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager ensures that the staff receive the necessary training to give them a secure knowledge and understanding of safeguarding.

As a result, staff are alert to any matters which may raise concerns about children. They know how to report these concerns. Thorough and safe recruitment procedures are in place to check staff's suitability to work with children.

The manager demonstrates a secure knowledge of matters which must be notified to Ofsted. Staff are required to complete a range of other mandatory training, such as first aid and food hygiene.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: build on the good learning opportunities to provide all children with the time to problem-solve, and help them to critically think, further promoting their independence.

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