The Forest Pre-School, Nursery & Outdoor Adventurers
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About The Forest Pre-School, Nursery & Outdoor Adventurers
The Forest Pre-School, Nursery & Outdoor Adventurers
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children thoroughly enjoy their time at this inviting, woodland setting. They are warmly welcomed by friendly staff and arrive eager to explore.
Children form strong bonds with staff from the outset, who are responsive to their needs. They move freely around the woodland's accessible areas for learning. Children develop good imaginations as they make up role-play scenarios with their friends.
For example, they hop onto a make-believe camper van and go on an adventure. Children are guided by staff to consider what items they may need on their journey. They decide what exciting places they could visit.
This help...s develop children's understanding of real-life experiences. Children experience the natural world first hand . They are inquisitive and excited as they discover natural resources and find real creatures, such as butterflies.
Children are keen to learn more about their discoveries and benefit when their learning is expanded further by the knowledgeable staff. Children learn that non-fiction books provide detailed information to improve their understanding. They use books with interest and enjoyment.
Children are independent and confident. They behave well. Children work collaboratively with their friends and get resources together for their play, such as collecting water from the large water container to help make pretend pies.
Older children show kindness and consideration towards others. They frequently support younger children in the safe use of various levels of terrain. This helps to promote children's compassion and commitment towards others.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders design a curriculum that aims to promote children's all-round development. Children demonstrate growing skills to become resilient and creative learners. For example, they work with staff to make a tightrope crossing a ditch.
They learn to hold the higher rope tight and place their feet securely on the lower rope to avoid slipping. They use this technique and persevere as they travel across. Children show a great sense of achievement and pride on completion of the task, particularly as there are moments when they wobble but regain composure.
Staff stay on guard for additional support as needed and encourage children to remain focused and in control.There is an effective key person system in place. Each key person has a good understanding of what children know and can do.
This information is gathered through observations and discussions with parents. This helps staff consider the next steps in learning and plan activities to meet these. Children progress well in all areas of learning.
Mathematics is incorporated as children explore and play. Staff introduce challenges for children to think about and solve. For instance, children are asked to compare items by size and weight.
They use the language of size, such as, 'bigger' and 'smaller' when comparing leaf sizes.Children learn about the importance of adopting healthy lifestyles. Their physical skills, which include their small- and large-muscle control, are well developed.
Children have ample opportunities to safely use the extensive woodland areas, such as balancing on a plank over a ditch. This helps to enhance children's self-esteem and well-being.Leaders are dedicated to continual improvement.
They monitor staff's practice to ensure good quality and consistency. However, this monitoring is not precise enough. It does not highlight specific areas that individual staff need to work on to improve, so that their curriculum delivery is even better.
For example, during adult-focused activities, staff introduce too many ideas into the planned activity and do not focus sharply on what each child needs to succeed. This means that children are having to deal with many aspects and their learning is not deepened.Children gain good knowledge and understanding of the world around them.
However, the opportunities to learn about the cultural diversity of Britain are limited. This means that children do not have the opportunity to make connections between their own and others' cultures and ways of life.Parents speak with admiration about the significant impact of the provision on their children's progress.
They comment on how ready their children are for school and that they have the essential skills needed to succeed in life. Parents are impressed with their children's knowledge, such as how to tend to plants. This is due to the children being actively involved in the allotment project where a variety of vegetables and fruits have been cultivated.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders know their responsibilities to protect children. All staff undertake mandatory training to make sure their knowledge is up to date.
Staff have a good understanding of the different types of abuse and the possible signs that may indicate a child is at risk of harm. This includes, exposure to extremist views and behaviours. They know what procedures to follow if they have concerns about a child's welfare.
The supervisor and staff team ensure that the premises are safe and secure. Leaders follow robust recruitment procedures to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen monitoring of staff's practice to identify any weaknesses and to improve their curriculum delivery to focus more precisely on children's next steps in learning raise children's awareness of the world further through learning opportunities that focus on cultures, diversity and people beyond their immediate experience.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.