The Griffin Nursery

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About The Griffin Nursery

Name The Griffin Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Stonyfield, Bootle, Lancashire, L30 0QS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Sefton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), flourish in this calm and nurturing nursery. Children's emotional needs are met by the caring staff, who prioritise their well-being.

Staff adapted their practice and kept in touch with families throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, including by delivering food parcels. This supported families to meet their children's needs at home. Children are happy and secure.

They tell their parents that they cannot wait to come back tomorrow as they skip out at the end of the day. Children benefit from being in an environment that consistently pro...motes their language and social skills. They can sing nursery rhymes from memory and can describe how they make their own dough in the 'dough restaurant'.

They act out a tea party outside and talk about the centipedes that they can see in the mud. Children are developing their language and vocabulary. Children behave well.

They join in with tidying up and are eager to help to set the table for snack time. Children who struggle to manage their behaviour are supported to talk about their feelings. They point to images linked to their emotions and staff help them to describe how they are feeling.

Children are developing their understanding of how their behaviour impacts on others.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children with SEND are identified early and given the help that they need. Staff work with other professionals and parents to strengthen the support that is offered.

They provide personalised resources that help to meet children's needs. These children make significant progress from their starting points.Staff know children well.

They plan activities that interest and excite children. For instance, children are eager to join in with a drawing activity because the staff have linked it to their favourite superhero characters. However, staff do not always focus enough on what children know and can do when planning activities.

This means that not all children are consistently challenged in their learning.Children happily explore all areas of the environment. They select their own resources to use in their play and know how to manage their own personal needs.

They choose a song for everyone to sing and they vote for which book to read. This promotes children's confidence and supports them to become independent.An embedded key-person system is in place.

Children form strong bonds with their key person, which helps them to settle when they first join the nursery. Parents speak highly of the communication they have with their child's key person. They appreciate the information that they are given about their child's well-being and their learning.

Parents feel that their children have made good progress since starting at the nursery.Staff use additional funding that they receive for eligible children to help meet their individual needs. They buy books that link to children's personal circumstances and use the books to explore children's emotions with them.

This supports children to be able to talk about their feelings and promotes their emotional development.Children are provided with a healthy diet of nutritious, home-cooked food. Children are keen to try new foods at mealtimes and during their 'taste tests'.

They talk about trying different fruits and which foods are good for our bodies. This supports children's understanding of a healthy diet.The manager improves the quality of the provision over time through effective coaching and mentoring of staff.

Staff morale is high and their well-being is supported.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff understand their responsibility to keep children safe.

They receive regular training and have a clear understanding of the signs that may indicate that children are at risk of abuse. Staff know what actions to take if there are any concerns about children's welfare. Leaders have robust recruitment systems in place to ensure that staff are suitable.

Children demonstrate that they feel safe through the secure attachments they have formed with the adults working closely with them. Risks are assessed daily by staff to ensure that the nursery is safe and secure for children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: focus more precisely on what children know and can do when planning activities so that all children are challenged in their learning.

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