The Hive

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About The Hive

Name The Hive
Address Storrington First School, Spierbridge Road, Storrington, Pulborough, RH20 4PG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestSussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Older children independently make their way to the club from their classroom, and are warmly greeted on their arrival. Younger children are collected from their class room and arrive happily.

They know where to put their bags and coats and then freely choose what they want to play with. Children play well together and ask if they can join in with each other's games. Children confidently access the resources and engage in imaginative play.

For example, they dress up in cloaks and masks, and pretend they are 'superheroes'. Outside, children play games in the large, enclosed playground. They explore the woodland area where th...ey climb, and play hide and seek.

Children independently take turns when they play games outside. For example, they each take it in turns to stamp on the rocket launcher. They comment and agree on whose rocket went up the highest.

Children are trusted to leave the playground and go to the hall independently when it is time to go home. Here, they are greeted by staff who make sure they move safely between the different areas they use.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider conducts regular supervisions with staff, where they can discuss individual children's needs.

They liaise with the school to ensure they are consistently supporting children. Staff report that they feel well informed about their role and responsibilities and are able to request training that may help them to develop professionally.The provider ensures newly recruited staff have a thorough induction.

They make sure staff attend regular meetings and understand their roles and responsibilities. The provider recognises that not all paperwork is easily accessible and is in the process of making sure this is better organised. Nonetheless, documents are obtained, and staff suitability is checked before they are allowed to start work.

Children behave well at the club. They understand what is expected of them and follow the rules. Some children who have difficulty with regulating their behaviour are supported well.

Staff know the children well and liaise with the school and parents to ensure they are supporting children consistently.Children enjoy healthy snacks, such as vegetable sticks and fruit, and place these into paper bags. They freely access the 'pick and mix' style snack bar throughout the session.

Children have access to drinking water at all times.Parents are happy with the care their children receive at the club. They report that their children are happy to attend and often do not want to go home at the end of the session.

Parents feel they are kept up to date on activities that their children take part in as well as upcoming events.Children are sociable and interact well with each other. For example, they play a game of 'what's missing', where they have to remember the items on a tray and try to work out what is missing.

They independently take turns to remove an item and remind each other to close their eyes while they do this. Children demonstrate that they enjoy their time at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff understand how to identify the signs of abuse, including if a child is being exposed to extreme views or domestic violence. They understand the safeguarding procedure and how to respond to concerns they may have about children. The designated lead for safeguarding is aware of how to report concerns about a child's welfare to the local safeguarding partners.

They know how to respond to allegations being made against members of staff. Children are supported to keep themselves safe. Staff use walkie-talkies as part of their risk assessment to enable children to independently move around the premises.

Also at this postcode
Storrington Primary School Premier Education

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