The Learning Meadow

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About The Learning Meadow

Name The Learning Meadow
Ofsted Inspections
Address Foxholes, Crockerton, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 7DU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive in this immensely nurturing outdoor setting.

They excitably arrive ready for the day, where they are greeted by caring staff who are genuinely happy to see them. Children feel a sense of belonging as they confidently wave parents goodbye. Children make free choices in their play, choosing where to play in the well-resourced, stimulating, and challenging outdoor environment, supporting them to be highly independent.

They are thoroughly engaged in activities and learn through their own curiosity in the exceptionally well-planned curriculum, which covers all areas of learning. Highly skilled staff probing questions and offer thought provoking comments, encouraging children to find out answers for themselves. For example, children wonder if herbs will still smell when covered with paint so staff encourage them to try it out and see.

All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, are making excellent progress.Staff have high expectations, supporting the children to be strongly independent and in control of their own choices. For example, when children climb up high, staff encourage them to think if they feel safe to jump.

Children are calm and behave exceedingly well. The nursery is exceptional at supporting children and families. They recognised children were anxious about leaving families after being home, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

So, they introduced a special story book they shared with families, to help children express their feelings, and children continue to flourish.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Partnership with parents is exceptional. Parents say their children thrive in the setting and have come along in 'leaps and bounds' since starting.

They are kept informed of their children's day through an online parent application and conversations at collection. They also attend regular parents' meetings and receive newsletters. During periods of COVID-19 lockdown, relationships and contact was maintained, parents were contacted weekly and given helpful ideas of activities they could do with their children.

Children are kind, caring and self-sufficient. They help each other and share exceptionally well. For example, when children are trying to get paint out of a bottle, other children help out by shaking and tapping the bottom until the paint appears.

Children also help to care for the many animals at the setting.The extremely skilful staff ensure children have opportunities to learn mathematical and problem-solving skills in every aspect of their play. For example, when feeding the animals, they discuss how much water to put in the sheep's water bucket and at other times problem solve how to get the last of the water out of a tray.

Additionally, during a game of hide and seek, staff help ensure children's counting gives other children time to hide. At mealtimes, they independently collect one knife and fork each and discuss if they would like 'more' food.There are many enticing opportunities for all children to be physically active and to develop their muscles.

The youngest children run up and down mounds of earth, experimenting by walking, then running, then jumping on the way down. Children ride on wheeled toys, move equipment around the setting, and dance to a variety of music on the stage.Staff know children extremely well and deliver a coherent curriculum, tailored to their individual learning needs and interests, supporting children to be motivated, independent learners.

Staff set up the environment in an enticing way, with exciting resources that invite children to learn to play and explore. Careful questioning by responsive adults keeps children engaged, interested and learning.Children love looking at books and have access to many different types, in all areas of the setting.

For example, children go on 'car rides' on the car built from real tyres and a real steering wheel. They get out the map, so they can see where they are going. In another area, staff notice children looking at books on animals so they get out the world map, so they can see where the animals come from.

The setting is led by a highly ambitious, competent leader, who leads a strong, skilled staff team. Staff are excellent role models and speak calmly to each other. They use walkie-talkies to communicate across distances rather than calling out, to reduce distractions to children.

They ensure they get down to children's level to speak to them, and calmly help them resolve any conflicts that may arise.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Safeguarding is given extremely high priority at this setting, and children are kept very safe.

Management and staff have an excellent knowledge of safeguarding. They know the signs and symptoms to look for that may be a cause for concern and have excellent recording systems. They all know how to report any concerns.

They keep their knowledge up to date by attending regular training and by discussing safeguarding topics in staff meetings and staff supervision meetings. Many measures are in place to ensure the children are safe around the fire pit. The premises are extremely safe, with many procedures and risk assessments in place to ensure children remain safe.

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