The Lemon Tree Day Nurseries Ltd

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About The Lemon Tree Day Nurseries Ltd

Name The Lemon Tree Day Nurseries Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address Lothian Way, Bransholme, Hull, HU7 5DD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority KingstonuponHull
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children's lives are wonderfully enriched by their experiences at this nursery. Staff know children exceptionally well.

Children's best interests are placed at the very heart of everything. Children's talents and interests are celebrated brilliantly. This helps to raise children's self-esteem and develop their character.

Children are very resilient and confident. They have extremely positive attitudes to learning. For example, when their towers fall over, they are not fazed and proudly exclaim 'I can build it again!' Children are very happy and feel safe here.

Babies are extremely well supported by nurt...uring staff. They are curious and show excitement as they explore the well-resourced areas. Children have a real thirst for learning.

For example, they work together to solve problems as they build train tracks. Skilful staff extend learning at every opportunity. For instance, when children are curious to find out what is inside vegetables, staff provide child-safe knives so children can cut the vegetables open to explore further.

Children's behaviour is excellent. They receive lots of positive praise. They show high levels of respect and understand the clear boundaries that are in place.

Staff use visual prompts to reinforce expectations for behaviour. Timers and musical instruments are used to prepare children for routine changes with clear instructions. This helps to create a harmonious environment where children thrive.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make excellent progress. They are very well supported by knowledgeable staff and the exceptional special educational needs coordinator (SENCo). Children benefit from group activities which are planned for their exact stage of development.

They laugh delightedly as they pop bubbles and staff tickle them with feathers.The curriculum is wonderfully planned and implemented consistently. Staff are incredibly clear about what they want children to learn.

They assess children's learning very well to identify any gaps. They quickly close these gaps through high-quality teaching. As a result, children make superb progress, whatever their starting points.

At every opportunity, staff support children's learning remarkably well. For example, they cleverly ask thought-provoking questions such as 'how can we…?' and 'what do you need to do next?'. They pause during interactions to value children's responses.

This gives children the time and space they need to think clearly.Children's communication and language skills develop extremely well. They use and understand a range of complex vocabulary.

For example, they use words such as 'molars' and 'calcium' in conversation. Children display their love of reading as they hunt for characters in books using magnifying glasses and retell familiar stories using puppets.Children are taught how to keep themselves safe and healthy.

Their oral health is wonderfully supported through supervised toothbrushing. Children learn about where food comes from and see raw vegetables before they are cooked. Community police officers visit the nursery to talk to children about how to stay safe.

This also helps children to develop respect and appreciation for those people who help them.Children have varied opportunities for physical activity. They roll balls, tackle obstacle courses and enjoy the green space outdoors.

Babies thrive outdoors in the fresh air as they explore autumn leaves. They toddle eagerly over ramps, displaying confidence to manage risks independently. They are curious and excitedly point out aeroplanes in the sky.

Older children talk about the benefits of exercise and how it is important to stay hydrated.Children have lots of opportunities to carry out small tasks for themselves. For example, they use a knife and fork to eat their fish pie, which they self-serve at lunchtime, and clear away their own plates.

This helps them to develop their independence skills.Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the nursery. They praise communication and the nursery app.

Parents are well aware of what they can do to help children reach their goals because of the positive links they make with nursery staff. Parents attend events such as teddy bears' picnics and are provided with free first-aid training.The passionate and well-experienced management team shows admirable dedication to its role.

Managers regularly evaluate the nursery and seek the views of staff, children and parents to make sharply focused improvements. This helps to continually raise quality. In addition, staff receive extremely purposeful development opportunities.

For example, they have recently completed training to develop their knowledge and raise the quality of mathematics teaching further.Partnerships with wider professionals are exemplary. The nursery acts as a 'hub' to share practice with other settings.

Staff work collaboratively with agencies that are involved in children's care. Furthermore, they have excellent links with the on-site children's centre and signpost parents to a range of courses and classes to extend children's life experience further.Staff report exceptionally high levels of well-being.

They are incredibly passionate and keen to make a positive difference to children's lives. Newer staff receive coaching from the management team. Staff are supported to be the best they possibly can be.

This means that they quickly flourish in their roles.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff are well aware of the action to take should they have concerns about children's welfare.

They have a strong knowledge of the signs and symptoms that may indicate that a child is at risk of harm. Staff are encouraged to voice any concerns about children or adults. Leaders then take appropriate action in a timely manner.

Staff complete regular training. They are quizzed about safeguarding at meetings. This helps to ensure they have an excellent knowledge.

Staff follow all health and safety policies carefully to minimise risks and keep the premises safe and secure. The deployment of staff ensures children are well supervised during their time at nursery. This helps to keep them safe.

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