The Play Shelter ASC @ Malorees

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About The Play Shelter ASC @ Malorees

Name The Play Shelter ASC @ Malorees
Address Malorees Infant and Junior Schools, Christchurch Avenue, LONDON, NW6 7PB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Brent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children settle swiftly and enjoy their time at the club. They greet staff as they are collected and arrive at the area that the club uses.

Children know the routines of the club well and successfully follow instructions. For example, children sit together on arrival and start their session discussing the rules and expectations for their behaviour and what activities are available for them during the session. Children behave well and form new friendships with other children.

They learn how to respect each other. Children have a varied choice of fun activities, indoors and outdoors. For example, some children choose to crea...te various arts and crafts items, such as a windsock or drawing and colouring.

This helps children to use their imaginations, develop their small muscles, hand-to-eye coordination and concentration skills. Other children choose to play active games outside. This supports children to develop their large muscles, learn how to socialise and work as part of a team.

Staff regularly praise children for their achievements, which helps to promote their confidence and self-esteem.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team ensures that they provide inclusive after-school care, where all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, feel safe and continue to develop their skills.The owner supports the manager and staff to ensure that they have opportunities to enhance their skills and progress.

They regularly have various meetings and attend a range of training opportunities.Staff safely collect children and escort them to the area the club uses, which is located within the school premises. Children are always supervised by staff.

The owner ensures that there are always enough staff to keep children safe inside and outside.Staff are kind and caring and know all children well. They maintain good relationships with staff from the school to ensure that they can continuously meet children's individual needs.

Children receive a range of healthy and nutritious snacks. Staff obtain information about children's food allergies, dietary requirements and preferences. The manager develops and reviews the menu and shares it with parents.

Children follow hygiene procedures and wash their hands or use hand sanitiser before having their food. Staff use this time to help children develop their social skills. For example, they all sit together and have discussions about their school day, the activities they had at the weekend or plans for their upcoming holidays.

Staff develop effective partnerships with parents. They ensure that all relevant information is shared to maintain continuity for children. Parents provide positive feedback and report that their children are happy and confident attending the club.

Children, when asked, confidently talk about what they like to do in the club and that they feel safe and happy.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The owner ensures that staff are suitable to work with children and completes all required checks before they start work.

The management team and staff attend regular training and receive updates about safeguarding issues. They know how to identify if a child is at risk of harm and the correct procedures to follow. Staff supervise children effectively to ensure that they are in a safe environment.

Also at this postcode
Malorees Infant School Malorees Junior School

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