The Ranch

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About The Ranch

Name The Ranch
Address Oakfield, Great Coxwell Road, Great Coxwell, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7LU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Oxfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children's enthusiasm and sheer joy at being at The Ranch is plain to see. They know the routines and quickly choose what they want to play with.

Children have a quiet place to relax indoors and many opportunities to be creative. They become completely engaged in a range of fun activities. For instance, children persevere to complete jigsaw puzzles.

Children ask staff to time them and help calculate if they were quicker completing the second puzzle, or the first. Children are happy and independent. They develop very good social skills and make new friendships.

Children spend plenty of time outdoors in the fresh ai...r. They are active and have large areas in which to run around, in addition to physical play equipment and resources. This helps to support their good health and also helps to develop their muscles and coordination.

Children enjoy caring for the range of animals, such as the tortoises, chickens, guinea pigs, rabbits, and the two miniature pot-bellied pigs. For example, children love to collect the eggs, spread the new hay for the animals and learn how to care for the animals at the holiday club. This helps raise their awareness of the world they live in and how to care for the animals and themselves in a safe and hygienic environment.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider is passionate about her out-of-school provision and shares her vision with the dedicated staff team. Staff all have incredibly high expectations for children and carry out their job roles effectively. Staff receive regular training to support their ongoing development.

The provider invests highly in her staff team. Staff have regular opportunities to discuss their well-being. They report feeling valued and say that they enjoy their work.

This is reflected in the high retention of the staff team and helps to provide a high-quality experience for the children.Partnerships with the host schools and parents are well established to help meet the needs of children. There are robust systems in place to ensure there is a good flow of information between the club, school staff and parents.

This shared approach to children's well-being ensures they receive good continuity of care.Children are confident, happy and secure and have good relationships with staff and their friends. New children settle into the club well.

Staff pay close attention to their emotional needs, giving reassurance and talk to them about their new surroundings and environment. This helps children form positive and trusting relationships with staff.The provider asks staff, children and parents for their views.

For example, The Ranch recently sent a satisfaction questionnaire to gain parents' views on how well the setting adapted to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. The provider has a clear vision of the strengths and of the areas for development of the setting. For instance, she has identified that there is scope to give children richer experiences that enhance their understanding of people, families, and communities beyond their own.

Staff are exceptionally positive role models for children and demonstrate high levels of respect for others. Children are kind, listen carefully to their friends and behave very well. For instance, during snack time, older children offer to assist younger children with helping them peel their bananas.

Partnerships with parents are strong and highly effective. Parents are very complimentary regarding the high quality of care the staff provide. One parent leaves a comment which describes the setting as, 'a lifeline in more ways than one and of enormous benefit to the children who go there'.

Parents comment that they are very impressed with the professional staff and the timely communication of the changes made to the setting during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider and staff ensure that children's safety is given priority.

The premises are safe, secure and well maintained. The provider monitors accidents and puts measures in place to minimise any risks identified. Staff complete regular and appropriate safeguarding training.

They have a good understanding of the possible signs of abuse and the procedures to follow if they are concerned about a child's welfare. Strong vetting procedures ensure staff are suitable to work with children. Staff deploy themselves very effectively to supervise children as they play and to provide them with the support they need.

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