The Wooden Horse - Wykeham

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About The Wooden Horse - Wykeham

Name The Wooden Horse - Wykeham
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Wooden Horse - Wykeham, 110 Main Road, Wykeham, SCARBOROUGH, North Yorkshire, YO13 9QB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is goodnPartnerships with parents are very well established.

Parents praise staff for supporting the whole family and helping them to feel part of their child's learning. They say that 'staff embrace and value each individual child and really get to know them, so every child feels special'.nChildren are enthusiastic, curious and confident learners.

They arrive happily at nursery and are eager to join in. Their motivation to engage in their learning contributes to the good progress that they make.nStaff support children extremely well at times of change, for example when they move through rooms in the nursery or leave to start school.

Staff's close ...partnerships with parents and schools help to reassure children, and they develop the skills and confidence needed for the next stage of their learning.nChildren demonstrate high levels of self-esteem and confidence. They benefit from warm interactions and plenty of praise from staff.

Staff are respectful and polite to children and one another. This helps children to learn about good manners and to consider the needs and feelings of others. nThe manager has a clear and accurate view of the quality of teaching in the nursery.

Arrangements to support and mentor staff are effective. For example, those with higher qualifications and more experience model and share their skills with newer members of the team. This helps to build on the already good quality of teaching.

nTeaching is rooted in a secure understanding of how children learn and is, generally, well matched to their individual needs. However, occasionally, teaching plans for the most able children do not provide a consistently high challenge.nStaff have not considered ways to provide even more opportunities for children to create, explore and investigate during play.

Also at this postcode
Wykeham Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

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